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    Need help cover letter !

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    Need help cover letter !
    Message de soytinly posté le 02-11-2009 à 21:18:42 (S | E | F)

    Bonsoir, je dois écrire une lettre de motiv et un CV à l'anglo-saxonne, j'aurais besoin d'aide pour des corrections , notamment de ma cover letter certes pas très pertinente mais bon. J'ai des répétitions, des phrases trop longues pouvez vous m'aider.

    I am interested in speaking with you regarding the opportunity to make an internship among your Responsible Investment Team. xxx appeals to me because of yours leadership positioning and the multi-expert asset management approach which make you a pre-eminent in a fast growing industry. Conscious of the importance for your company in the current exceptional financial conditions to strenghtening your expertise in this sector, my candidature which will certainly match your requirements.
    As undergraduate at the University of Economic Administration and Mananagement in xxx (France), I have gained a great deal of economic and financial knowledge both theorical and technical. My classes in economic, financial applied to statistical allowed me at first to acquired an essential overview for understanding problematics of our economy and secondly bring me more specific skills relevant to your organization. In deed, through my two last specialization year i have notably acquired a large quantitative and qualitative analysis abilities, good knowledge of econemetrics modelizing, competence in banking, in financial risk analysis.
    In this way, your internship mission consisted to supporting existing funds and designing of new funds, the regular review and update of your documentation and so the bringing of an external expertise view through analysis and reports suited perfectly with my expectation. A such transversal work experience in a dynamic sector would be the opportunity to take advantage of my all abilities backgroung to make a significant contribution to support your RI team .

    From this point of view, I'm convinced that my motivation , my adaptabilility to work independently lie in my good interpersonnal skills, will permit me to gain further knowledge of market moves, to learn how products are structured, and to enhanced my report writing and communication skill which will be a unique asset in my professionnal carrers and i'm confident that i will be one for you.

    Therefore, I am eager to meet with you. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me by phone at …......
    Thank you for your review and consideration.


    Merci beaucoup

    Modifié par lucile83 le 02-11-2009 21:34
    noms effacés + forum

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