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    Passage au passif

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    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Passage au passif
    Message de klem69 posté le 03-11-2009 à 16:23:17 (S | E | F)

    Hello again !
    Dans un autre exercice, je dois transformer des phrases actives en phrases passives, quand c'est possible uniquement, et il est inutile que je mentionne l'agent.
    Pourriez-vous me corriger ?

    1) Scholars have written a lot on this difficult project.
    This difficult project have been written on a lot.

    2) Some friends told me that this was the best restaurant in town.
    This was told me to be the best restaurant in town.

    3) People wanted the Prime Minister to work miracles.
    -> Impossible.

    4) Some people say that Chinese cooking is the best in the world.
    Chinese cooking is said to be the best in the world.

    5) They gave us a very good room.
    A very good room was given (to ?) us.

    6) The salesman swore to them that the car would last ten years.
    -> Impossible.

    7) We have dealt with that problem.
    That problem has been dealt with.

    8) People often think that politicians seek their own interest only.
    Politicians are thought to seek (for ?) their own interest only.

    Réponse: Passage au passif de cecil_ward, postée le 03-11-2009 à 16:39:32 (S | E)
    1) agreed (although the preposition needs to be about "write about (subject)" ).

    > This was told me to be the best restaurant in town.
    is ungrammatical

    It needs to be "I was told that this was ..".

    3) - I agree that it's impossible to passivize this without changing to a different verb.

    4) "A very good room was given to us" seems like it ought to be grammatical but actually it is not acceptable at all, although it is not clear to me why. It seems excessively formal, most peculiar, and would probably make people smile. You could imagine a policeman speaking like that while reading from his notebook in court.

    "We got/had a very good room" is fine, but it's not passivized form of the original of course.

    6) agreed, impossible

    7) agreed

    8) politicians are thought to - agreed

    but "seek their own interest" is not correct. There is an idiom "act _in_ your own interest". The phrase "politicians only act in their own interest" would be idiomatic and correct. The word "only" needs to be before the verb (sometimes found immediately after the verb).

    Réponse: Passage au passif de jean31, postée le 03-11-2009 à 16:45:46 (S | E)

    1) Scholars have written a lot on this difficult project.
    This difficult project have been written on a lot.
    => Le sujet passif est singulier, ne l'as-tu pas remarqué ?

    2) Some friends told me that this was the best restaurant in town.
    This was told me to be the best restaurant in town.
    => Utilise say et laisse tomber me.

    3) People wanted the Prime Minister to work miracles.
    -> Impossible. OK

    4) Some people say that Chinese cooking is the best in the world.
    Chinese cooking is said to be the best in the world. OK

    5) They gave us a very good room.
    A very good room was given (to ?) us.
    Grammaticalement parlant, ce n'est pas faux mais ça ne se dit pas.
    Quand il y a un complément de personne; comme ici, c'est lui qu'il faut prendre comme sujet passif, tournure d'ailleurs impossible en français.
    => We ...........

    6) The salesman swore to them that the car would last ten years.
    -> Impossible. OK

    7) We have dealt with that problem.
    That problem has been dealt with. OK

    8) People often think that politicians seek their own interest only.
    Politicians are thought to seek (for ?) their own interest only. OK

    Au final, tu t'en débrouilles plutôt pas mal.

    Réponse: Passage au passif de klem69, postée le 03-11-2009 à 17:05:27 (S | E)
    For Cecile Ward > Thank you very much for your answers, but concerning 4) & 8) I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to change the sentences given, my teacher made the exercise

    For jean31 > Merci !

    1) Erreur d'étourderie

    2) I was told this was the best restaurant in town.

    5) We were given a very good room.

    Est-ce correct ?

    8) Est-ce : Politicians are thought to seek their own interest
    or : Politicians are thought to seek for their own interest only ?

    Réponse: Passage au passif de jean31, postée le 03-11-2009 à 17:21:01 (S | E)
    1, 2, 5 are now correct.
    The right wording for 8 is the first one.
    Keep up the good work!

    Réponse: Passage au passif de klem69, postée le 03-11-2009 à 17:51:44 (S | E)
    Thanks !!

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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