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    Application letter

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    Application letter
    Message de emerenziana posté le 04-11-2009 à 11:11:48 (S | E | F)

    Bonjour à tous,
    Hello everybody,

    Je fais appel à vos lumières pour relire cette lettre de motivation (Cf ci-dessous).
    I need some help before sending this application letter (please see below).

    Par avance, merci pour votre aide.
    Thanks in advance for your contribution.

    Best regards


    PS : au fait, ça veut dire quoi "EMT" et "CEO" ?
    PD: by the way, what does "EMT" stand for? And "CEO"?
    Dear Sir OR Madam,


    I am writing to apply for the post of EMT/ Bilingual Executive Assistant to the CEO, advertised on xxx.

    As you will see in my enclosed CV, I have nearly five years experience in this post, including 9 months as a Bilingual Personal Assistant to the Director and Deputy Director of the Sustainable Development Chair, at Sciences Po. I thus could acquire solid competences in this field. I was responsible for the translating of the response to a call for bid and for the management of day-to-day enquiries or invitations. Being the Assistant to the Director and Deputy Director, I had charge of keeping their schedules, making travel arrangements and dealing with their numerous emails. I was constantly in contact with foreign speakers from universities, embassies, associations, foundations and organizations, being myself working with a small team.

    Before that, I started helping my mother to sell a collection of antiques before she retires, and, at the same time, I put my back into writing bilingual educational books in French and English, or Spanish, or Italian.

    I decided to set about a Masters degree in “Foreign Languages” specialized in English and Spanish in order to create my own company providing translating services. After 8 years, I lost my main customer and had to stop.

    Previously, I worked in various companies as an Assistant – Translator and made language-learning trips in England and Spain.

    I am attracted by the fields which call for multilingual contacts, organization and logistics, and therefore I think (thus to fit to the person that you seek) I can meet your requirements.

    Your company offers the possibility to work mostly in English and in a humanitarian and international atmosphere. I think that I can be an asset for your company because I can speak 4 languages and I used to have excellent working relationships.

    I am serious, organized and I put a lot of effort into fulfilling the missions which are entrusted to me. In addition, conscientious natured, I have the capacity to adapt easily to new contexts and I have a good team spirit.

    I can be available for interview at your convenience, and look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours faithfully,
    Modifié par bridg le 04-11-2009 12:06

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