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    Aide traduction

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    Aide traduction
    Message de anirelles posté le 14-11-2009 à 16:29:24 (S | E | F)


    Je viens de traduire un texte français en anglais et j'aimerais recevoir un peu d'aide pour m'aider à identifier les erreurs s'il vous plaît. Merci par avance.

    Voici le texte en anglais :

    Subject: application for WHV


    I am an engineer in computer science and management with more than four years of work experience in the area of new technologies and I would like to receive a working visa for the year of 2010.

    I'm planning during the period of the visa to work in the IT industry. This choice is motivated by the strong competitiveness of Canada in this area. IT Canadian companies are worldly recognized for their profitability and for the high quality of their products and services (for example the company Open Text in the field of content management).

    Working in a Canadian company represents the possibility to discover new approaches for problem resolution, new ways to do and also the opportunity to share my French experience.

    Beyond the professional side, the WHV is the opportunity to discover a new culture, a country and its people. Having already had the opportunity to stay abroad, I know how rewarding and memorable experience it is.

    I would like to relocate in Montreal for its economical and cultural vitality, in January 2010 and for 12 months.

    Best Regards

    Modifié par lucile83 le 14-11-2009 17:28

    Réponse: Aide traduction de seb06000, postée le 14-11-2009 à 17:15:43 (S | E)

    je vous laisse les indications de correction:


    I am an engineer in computer science and management with more than four years of work experience in the area of new technologies and I would like to receive a working visa for the year of 2010.

    I'm planning during the period of the visa to work in the IT industry( le COD est accolé au verbe, avant 'during') . This choice is motivated by the strong competitiveness of Canada in this area. IT Canadian companies are worldly recognized for their profitability and for the high quality of their products and services (for example the company Open Text in the field of content management).

    Working in a Canadian company represents the possibility to discover new approaches for problem resolution, new ways to do and also the opportunity to share my French experience.

    Beyond the professional side, the WHV is the opportunity to discover a new culture, a country and its people. Having already had the opportunity to stay abroad, I know how rewarding and memorable experience it is (structure mal exprimée, à reprendre) .

    I would like to relocate in Montreal for its economical and cultural vitality, in January 2010 and for 12 months.

    Voilà deux détails!



    Réponse: Aide traduction de anirelles, postée le 14-11-2009 à 17:53:41 (S | E)
    merci pour les conseils, je vais regarder comment améliorer. Juste une petite question: est ce que la phrase "having already had" n'est pas trop lourde, il y a deux fois le verbe have, ou non ce n'est pas choquant.

    Modifié par anirelles le 14-11-2009 18:02

    Réponse: Aide traduction de anirelles, postée le 14-11-2009 à 18:01:35 (S | E)
    >I'm planning during the period of the visa to work in the IT industry( le COD >est accolé au verbe, avant 'during')

    Si j'ai bien compris la correction est : I'm planning to work in the IT industry during the period of the visa

    >I know how rewarding and memorable experience it is (structure mal exprimée, à >reprendre) .

    Est-ce que cela vous parrait meilleur :
    I know it is a very rewarding and memorable experience.

    Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

    Réponse: Aide traduction de seb06000, postée le 15-11-2009 à 07:17:34 (S | E)

    I'm planning to work in the IT industry during the period of the visa => parfait

    I know it is a very rewarding and memorable experience. => oui, mea culpa en relisant, on aurait pu légèrement modifier votre expression => I know how rewarding and memorable this experience is et garder ainsi votre tournure.

    concernant having already had => non structure pas du tout choquante , Have Had est un pluperfect très commun!



    Réponse: Aide traduction de anirelles, postée le 15-11-2009 à 11:07:14 (S | E)

    Merci pour tout. Cela va m'être très utile.


    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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