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    Lettre de Motivation (correction)

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    Lettre de Motivation (correction)
    Message de mandibulle posté le 16-11-2009 à 10:11:36 (S | E | F)

    Bonjour à tous,

    Actuellement étudiant en école de commerce, je souhaite postuler pour un l'entrer dans une école londonienne l'année prochaine, et pour cela je dois rédiger une lettre de motivation dans la langue du pays, ce que j'ai fait.

    Est-il possible que quelqu'un me lise et m'aide à corriger mes erreurs?

    Merci d'avance à tous.

    Dear Sir or Madam

    XXX is internationally recognized for decades for the quality of its teaching and particularly in the social sciences field. The research center of the school is also demotic for its dynamism and relevance providing thus training at the cutting edge of the news. These are the reasons for which I present with great attention my application to the Master Media and Communication for the year 2010/2011 in your institution.

    I am currently a third year student of the School of Management XX (Oslo) as part of an exchange student for a period of one year. I plan to validate this year my acquired by a double degree and thereby obtain a Bachelor in Business Administration at the XXXX (Paris) as well as a Bachelor in Marketing at XX.

    Through my various internships, I was able to implement my knowledge and notably during my work within the company X France where I was responsible for setting up a new direct marketing strategy. My taste for management and responsibilities pushed me to always select the most rewarding internship each year of my school career while being able to keep a cool head and work under a strong pressure. Moreover, my self-education of music (drums) reflects my determination and my autonomy both in my work and in my everyday life.

    Through my studies in marketing, I have taken great interest in behavioral analysis, rationality and consumer choice face to the information received and therefore I would like to develop this field of study for my master through subjects such as The Social Psychology of Communication and The Audience in Media and Communication. Furthermore, I try to stay informed on the field of human behavior through reading the magazine Journal of Consumer Research and publications of research done at XX in anthropology and marketing.

    My goal being so at the end of my studies to work in the strategic part of the creative process in advertising agency, XXX would allow me to gain a better understanding of the psychological and physical behavior of consumers and achieve a mastery of communication tools that will form a solid theoretical base to start my career.

    Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to hearing from you. Yours Faithfully

    Modifié par bridg le 16-11-2009 10:28

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