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    Lettre de motivation - correction (1)

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    Lettre de motivation - correction
    Message de stephanie57 posté le 21-11-2009 à 17:47:43

    Bonjour à tous,

    J'ai écrit une lettre de motivation dans le but de devenir (pour quelques mois)assistante de français dans des pays anglophones. Je m'inquiète un peu de mon niveau en anglais mais après tout c'est avec de la pratique qu'on s'améliore et je suis tentée par l'expérience. J'aimerais donc que vous jetiez un œil à ma lettre afin de me la corriger (au plus vite si c'est possible =S).

    Merci d'avance pour vos réponses !

    "Dear Sir or Madam,

    Become Assistant in a foreign country is a very interesting and enriching experience. Indeed after to have discover this possibility to leave during few months abroad, I quickly was seduced by project.
    First, learn my own culture and my mother tongue at motivated students would be a real pleasure. Go to English countries is even more interesting because English is a world language and to me, it seems obvious that several months in that country will greatly progress me especially oral. Moreover having free time outside of the course is valuable because it allows visiting, to discover the country and to speak a maximum with residents.

    I'd say that I am a serious, curious and applied student, therefore participate in such an experience would be only benefit. I feel that to be tuned to the others and being worried about their progress, that's why I'm convinced that contact with pupils will work. I am delighted in advance at exchanges and the sharing which this job brings.
    The practice of rugby has proved my open-mindedness, my sense of the teamwork and my motivation. In addition this sport was born in England so to be to dive into this universe and into these countries where Rugby "occupies" a very big place, would be fantastic.

    Having rarely to travel, this project is a real chance to discover other horizons that is why I hope that my enthusiasm convinced you.
    Please find enclosed my CV. Thank you for considering my request.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours sincerely,"

    Modifié par bridg le 21-11-2009 17:54

    Modifié par bridg le 22-02-2010 19:25

    Réponse: Lettre de motivation - correction de seb06000, postée le 21-11-2009 à 18:03:44


    je vous laisse les indications de correction

    'Dear Sir or Madam,

    Become ( il faut une nominalisation en ING) Assistant in a foreign country is a very interesting and enriching experience. Indeed after( after + base verbale en ing) to have discover( have + participe passé) this possibility to leave (voc) during few months abroad, I quickly( le choix de l'adverbe n'est pas bon, il s'intercale de plus entre Was et le P.P) was seduced by project.
    First, learn (nominalisation en ing) my own culture and my mother tongue at ( préposition à revoir, vous vous adressez à => destination) motivated students would be a real pleasure. Go (nominalisation) to English ( English? non, il faut anglophone) countries is even more interesting because English is a world language and to me, it seems obvious that several months in that country will greatly progress (voc => passez par une structure du type ' make me improve my oral skills) me especially oral. Moreover having free time outside of the course( voc) is valuable because it allows( voc=> ici c'est permettre, autoriser) visiting, to discover( il faudra mettre visit, discover et speak au diapason) the country and to speak a maximum with residents.

    I'd say that I am a serious, curious and applied student, therefore participate (nominalisation) in such an experience would be only benefit. I feel that to be tuned to the others and being worried ( worried, c'est inquiet) about their progress, that's why I'm convinced that contact with pupils will work. I am delighted in advance at exchanges and the sharing which this job brings.
    The practice of rugby has proved my open-mindedness, my sense of the teamwork and my motivation. In addition this sport was born in England so to be to dive into (calque du français) this universe and into these countries where Rugby 'occupies' a very big place, would be fantastic.

    Having rarely to travel (expression à revoir) , this project is a real chance to discover other horizons that is why I hope that my enthusiasm convinced (je passerais par un futur) you.
    Please find enclosed my CV. Thank you for considering my request.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours sincerely,'




    Modifié par seb06000 le 21-11-2009 18:05

    Réponse: Lettre de motivation - correction de stephanie57, postée le 22-11-2009 à 12:57:21
    Merci beaucoup d'avoir répondu si rapidement !

    Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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