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    Correction structure

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    Correction structure
    Message de boxeuze posté le 06-12-2009 à 19:00:27 (S | E | F)

    Bonjour à tous
    Je passe un oral d'anglais;
    J'ai rédigée mon oral mais j'ai bien peur qu'elle ne soit pas compréhensible^^.

    Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider a corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît,ce serait sympa :D

    texte :

    Good morning ladies and gentleman.
    today, i have present the market research in France on the Christmas tree in December 2007.
    For market research, cross-section choose is 6 000 household, they answered by letter has the study.
    We shall see 3 graphs for market research.
    The first graph is a table.
    The second and final graph is a line chart.

    The first graph is a table represents household’s rate buy of trees and number’s tree buy by household. We can see Unitarian average and turnover by Christmas tree between 2003 and 2007.

    We can see unitarian average price by tree between 2003 and 2007 increased. The christman tree increase of 1€ each year.
    The price on natural trees increased each year while the price an artificial tree decreased between 2003 and 2005 and increased in 2006 and 2007.

    Nevertheless The turnover total increased because the price unitarian by tree increased.
    for natural christmas trees the turnover increased of 20 million between 2003 and 2007
    for artificial christmas trees the turnover increased of 5 million between 2003 and 2007

    We can see that 23.3 % household buy the christmas tree in 2003 while in 2007, 22.2% household buy the christmas tree
    in general that selling christmas tree decrease between 2003 and 2006 except in 2007 where the selling increased.
    For natural christmas tree the rate decreased each year.
    For artificial christmas tree the rate is not constant

    We can notice that selling natural christmas trees decrease because the unitarian price increased, while artificial christmas trees sold increased when the price unitarian decrease.

    The second graph is bar chart , represente evolution’s price by christmas tree.
    Have to distinguish, 2 type of christmas tree.
    The first type is tree Nordmanns, avantage of tree Nordmanns he does not lose it is thorn but inconvenience of tree Nordmanns he does feel nothing.
    The second type is tree Epicea avantage of tree Epicea he feel forest but inconvenience of tree Epicea, he lose all thorn.
    we can see the christmas tree Nordmanns is more expensive compared a tree epicea.
    The price of christmas tree Epicea increased every year since 2000. The price increased of 5 € in 7 years.
    The price of christmas tree Nordmanns increased Strongly from 2004. The price increased of 4 € in 4 years

    Now, we can see purchase's place of the Christmas tree.

    The household buy general the christmas tree in a Hypermarket for exemple cora, super U but they can buy the christmas tree in garden center for exemple Jardilande, point vert and buy peddler. And they can buy other retail.

    In 2000, 43.3% household buy the christmas tree in a Hypermarket and in 2007, 33.3% household buy the christmas tree in a hypermarket. The selling for hypermarket are decreased of 10% in 7 year because the rival they are to develop.

    Besides, the garden center have increased the selling of christmas tree. In 2000, 9.3 % household buy the christmas tree in a garden center then in 2007the selling a tree have double. Maybe the christmas tree in garden center have cheaply.

    We can see the household selling less the christmas tree a peddler. In 2001, 13.9% buy christmas tree then 10.6 % household buy the christmas tree.

    Other retail have increased strongly from 2003. They are increased 5% selling in 4 years.

    To conclud in general the household buy christmas tree in hypermarket may be price is more attractive in supermarket for christmas tree.

    For conclud the market research Christmas tree, the household buy less and less the Christmas tree because the price increased all years.
    The household buy more and more in Hypermarket but instead in garden center

    Réponse: Correction structure de seb06000, postée le 06-12-2009 à 19:05:42 (S | E)


    voici les pistes de correction

    Good morning ladies and gentleman.
    today, i have present (temps)  the market research in France on the Christmas tree in December 2007.
    For market research, cross-section choose (il faut le participe passé)  is 6 000 household, they answered by letter has (erreur de préposition) the study.
    We shall see 3 graphs for market research.
    The first graph is a table.
    The second and final graph is a line chart.

    The first graph is a table (il manque un relatif) represents household’s rate buy ( sens?) of trees and number’s tree buy (il faut le participe passé) by household. We can see ( il manque un article) Unitarian average and turnover by Christmas tree between 2003 and 2007.

    We can see (idem) unitarian average price by tree between 2003 and 2007 increased. The christman(ortho) tree increase of 1€ each year.
    The price on natural trees increased each year while the price an (erreur de préposition)  artificial tree decreased between 2003 and 2005 and increased in 2006 and 2007.

    Nevertheless The turnover total increased because the price unitarian by tree increased.
    for natural christmas trees the turnover increased of 20 million between 2003 and 2007
    for artificial christmas trees the turnover increased of 5 million between 2003 and 2007

    We can see that 23.3 %  (of the + pluriel) household buy (il faut le passé => fait daté)  the christmas tree in 2003 while in 2007, 22.2% household buy the christmas tree (idem)
    in general that selling christmas tree decrease (temps) between 2003 and 2006 except in 2007 where the selling increased.
    For natural christmas tree the rate decreased each year.
    For artificial christmas tree the rate is not constant

    We can notice that selling natural christmas trees decrease because the unitarian price increased, while artificial christmas trees sold increased when the price unitarian (position de l'adjectif)  decrease (conjugaison).

    The second graph is  (article) bar chart , represente (conjugaison) evolution’s price by christmas tree.
    (sujet?) Have to distinguish, 2 type ( marques du pluriel) of christmas tree.
    The first type is tree Nordmanns (adjectif mal placé) , avantage of tree Nordmanns (idem) he (sujet) does not lose it is (possessif)  thorn but inconvenience of tree Nordmanns he  (idem adjectif + sujet)does feel nothing.
    The second type is tree Epicea (adjectif)  avantage of tree Epicea he (adjectif + sujet)  feel forest but inconvenience of tree Epicea, he (idem) lose all thorn.
    we can see the christmas tree Nordmann(idem) s is more expensive compared a tree epicea.
    The price of christmas tree Epicea increased every year since 2000. The price increased of 5 € in 7 years.
    The price of christmas tree Nordmanns increased Strongly from 2004. The price increased of 4 € in 4 years

    Now, we can see purchase's place of the Christmas tree.

    The household buy (conjugaison) general (il faut l'adverbe qui est placé devant le verbe)  the christmas tree in a Hypermarket for exemple cora, super U but they can buy the christmas tree in garden center for exemple Jardilande, point vert and buy peddler (majuscules aux noms de ces enseignes). And they can buy other retail.

    In 2000, 43.3% household (expression des pourcentages)  buy (temps)  the christmas tree in a Hypermarket and in 2007, 33.3% household buy (conjugaison)  the christmas tree in a hypermarket. The selling for hypermarket are (construction du present perfect)  decreased of 10% in 7 year because the rival they are to develop (sens?) .

    Besides, the garden center have increased the selling of christmas tree. In 2000, 9.3 % household buy (conjugaison)  the christmas tree in a garden center then in 2007the selling a tree have double (conjugaison) . Maybe the christmas tree in garden center have ( erreur d'auxiliaire) cheaply.

    We can see the household selling less the christmas tree a peddler (sens?). In 2001, 13.9% buy (conjugaison)  christmas tree then 10.6 % household buy (idem) the christmas tree.

    Other retail have increased strongly from 2003. They are (erreur d'auxiliaire,regardez la phrase précédente!)  increased 5% selling in 4 years.

    To conclud (ortho) in general the household buy christmas tree in hypermarket (marque du pluriel)  may be (article) price is more attractive in supermarket for christmas tree (pluriel) .

    For conclud  (ortho) the market research( ça c'est le nom, il faut le verbe) Christmas tree, the household buy (conjugaison)  less and less the Christmas tree because the price increased all years.
    The household buy (conjugaison) more and more in Hypermarket but instead in garden center



    Modifié par seb06000 le 06-12-2009 19:19

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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