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    Correction /lettre de motivation

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    Correction /lettre de motivation
    Message de valdu08 posté le 21-12-2009 à 15:25:06 (S | E | F)

    Bon voilà j'ai une lettre de motivation à envoyer.
    J'aimerais savoir si j'ai fait des erreurs d'orthographe.

    Dear Madam, dear Mister,

    I’m currently in the last year of my degree course in lycée xxxx and I would like to become a Young European ambassador.

    First of all, I’ve to say that since the beginning of this Comenius Project I’m very motivated. I feel like this expérience is going to greatly help me in my future studies and above all in my Professional life.
    Next year I hope to enter in a science politics institute and I’m certain that if I participate to this project, it will give me essential skills and knowledge that will become huge trumps for my future.
    Over and above all as a passionnate of history, geography and economics subjects I couldn’t avoid to send my application letter.

    Furthermore, the courses that I can performa at lycée xxx enable me to understand better the European problem. Indeed, since the tenth grade, two hours a week, as part of the European section, I keep up history and English lessons in british language.
    As a consequence, when I’ve learnt that we were going to follow the Comenius programm, « Unity in diversity », with Mr it was for me a normal continuation. So, each week with our economics teacher, we study documents and speak about « Immigration, economic, social and cultural aspects » on the European continent. It prepares us to tackle the difficult European subject more easily.

    To conclude, I feel totally motivated and mentally ready to represent my establishment next April in Verone.

    Hoping thaht my candidature retain all your attention, please accept the assurances of my highest considération.

    Edited by lucile83 on 21-12-2009 15:25
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