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    Correction /description

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    Correction /description
    Message de megane83 posté le 22-12-2009 à 15:00:38 (S | E | F)

    J'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un pouvait me corriger ma description ?

    This document is a picture, I can see a Climber. I can see two man climb the mount Everest? In the Foreground a man wear a outfit, a oxygen mask for breathe, a ice axe with three flag, he is happy but exhausted. At te bottom there is the second man. The sky is cloudy. The summit is steep and freeze.
    Merci pour vos réponses.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 22-12-2009 15:19
    + forum

    Réponse: Correction /description de seb06000, postée le 22-12-2009 à 15:26:36 (S | E)

    je vous laisse les indications de correction:

    This document is a picture, I can see a Climber. I can see two man( pluriel) climb (forme de la base verbale) the mount Everest? In the Foreground a man wear( conjugaison, temps de la description) a outfit, a( article devant un nom commençant par une voyelle) oxygen mask for( expression du but, de l'objectif) breathe, a ice (article) axe with three flag( 3 donc pluriel nécessaire) , he is happy but exhausted. At te bottom there is the second man. The sky is cloudy. The summit is steep and freeze (voc, forme du mot).



    Réponse: Correction /description de imy48, postée le 23-12-2009 à 15:01:57 (S | E)

    This document is a picture where two men are climbing the mount Everest.
    In the foreground a man wearing an outfit, an (indefinite article perceeds a vowel)oxygen to breath and an ice axe with three flags, he seems to be exhausted but happy.At the bottom there is the second man, the sky is cloudy and...
    this is my suggestion with only few modification.

    Modifié par imy48 le 23-12-2009 15:03

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