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    Correction /Déchets

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    Correction /Déchets
    Message de chacha7611 posté le 01-01-2010 à 17:13:24 (S | E | F)

    Bonjour, pourriez-vous corriger les éventuelles fautes que j'aurais pu commettre dans le texte suivant. Merci d'avance! Et joyeuses fêtes à tous!!!

    This article is entitled “It is time to start talking rubbish”. Indeed, it deals with the problem of waste in the U.K.: there is no more available space to burry rubbishes in the landfills and some solutions have to be put in place to decrease the rubbishes in the country.

    Some researches have been done and show that Britain is the country which has the most important amount of rubbish in Europe with 22.6 million tonnes in 2004/05. It is due to the lack of investments in waste management practices which are based on re-use, recycle and recovery. However, things begin to change. They are taking into account the environmental impacts of the different landfills to eliminate their number.

    This problem of rubbish is due to our mode of consumption. In fact, we are encouraged to buy more and more things quickly to renew our old products or to be in phase with the current fashion. Moreover, products are often packed with a lot of cardboard and plastic which is not good to reduce the amount of rubbish. To face this problem, the EU has launched the Landfill Directive which aim is to reduce by 35% the level of waste going to landfill of 1995 levels by 2020. The U.K. government has introduced several strategies to reach this goal: recycling dry and green materials; the”pay as you throw” strategy to encourage householders to recycle as much as possible. But some experts doubt that Britain will hit the objectives of the EU.

    All this politics have a cost, for example if a council does not meet their landfill diversion target, they will have fines which amount will be up to £2m, and taxpayers will be ask to pay it. So it is facing resistance because people do not want to pay.

    But not only householders have to reduce their wastes, business sector has to do the same. Some ideas are using the energy from waste, but this kind of technology costs a lot, and companies are not ready to invest in it. But some examples show that it is possible like in the Island of Wight where 30,000 tonnes of rubbish was transforming in electricity for 3,000 homes. Moreover, on this island, more than 50% of the waste is recycling. So it can be done, and also accepted by everybody.

    Britain wants to avoid the same scenario as in Naples where the city was full of rubbish and each day, 700 tonnes of them was transported as an emergency measure.

    I wish you a wonderful year 2010!!

    Modifié par bridg le 01-01-2010 17:22

    Réponse: Correction /Déchets de seb06000, postée le 01-01-2010 à 17:33:14 (S | E)

    je vous indique cela de suite:

    "This article is entitled “It is time to start talking rubbish”. Indeed, it deals with the problem of waste in the U.K.: there is no more available space to burry rubbishes in the landfills and some solutions have to be put in place(calque du français) to decrease the rubbishes in the country.

    Some researches have been done and show that Britain is the country which has the most important amount of rubbish in Europe with 22.6 million tonnes in 2004/05. It is due to the lack of investments in waste management practices which are based on re-use, recycle and recovery. However, things begin to change. They are taking into account the environmental impacts of the different landfills to eliminate their number.

    This problem of rubbish is due to our mode of consumption. In fact, we are encouraged to buy more and more things quickly to renew our old products or to be in phase with the current fashion. Moreover, products are often packed with a lot of cardboard and plastic which is not good to reduce the amount of rubbish. To face this problem, the EU has launched the Landfill Directive which aim is to reduce by 35% the level of waste going to landfill of 1995 levels by 2020. The U.K. government has introduced several strategies to reach this goal: recycling dry and green materials; the”pay as you throw” strategy to encourage householders to recycle as much as possible. But some experts doubt that Britain will hit the objectives of the EU.

    All this politics have( conjugaison) a cost, for example if a council does not meet their landfill diversion target, they will have fines which( relatif) amount will be up to £2m, and taxpayers will be ask to pay it. So it is facing resistance because people do not want to pay.

    But not only householders have to reduce their wastes, business sector has to do the same. Some ideas are using the energy from waste, but this kind of technology costs a lot, and companies are not ready to invest in it. But some examples show that it is possible like in the Island of Wight where 30,000 tonnes of rubbish was transforming in electricity for 3,000 homes. Moreover, on this island, more than 50% of the waste is recycling( il faut la forme passive ici) . So it can be done, and also accepted by everybody.

    Britain wants to avoid the same scenario as in Naples( il faut le nom mais en Italien) where the city was full of rubbish and each day, 700 tonnes of them was( pluriel nécessaire) transported as an emergency measure.

    I wish you a wonderful year 2010!!

    Voilà je ne suis pas infaillible mais l'ensemble semble corrigé!



    Réponse: Correction /Déchets de chacha7611, postée le 02-01-2010 à 09:52:13 (S | E)
    Merci de votre aide!
    Bonne année 2010 ;);)

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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