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    Scrambled words '45'

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    Scrambled words '45'
    Message de marit64 posté le 06-01-2010 à 22:14:56 (S | E | F)


    Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

    1- A box in which bees are kept, and where they store their honey. ..... (vheeeib)
    2- An opponent; an enemy. ..... (redyvaasr)
    3- The short thick finger of the hand, set at a different angle from the other four. ..... (ubhmt)
    4- A piece of metal, plastic etc with a name on it. ..... (mtenpaale)
    5- Ready or anxious to do good to others. ..... (nkdi)
    6- To make larger, especially by adding details to. ..... (laymfip)
    7- To crush (a fly etc) by slapping it with something flat. ..... (astw)
    8- To speak or say very softly. ..... (hesrpwi)
    9- High body temperature. ..... (evfre)
    10- To be mixed-up. ..... (doucfsne)

    I hope you enjoyed your Holidays.

    Good luck and have fun!

    I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.

    So long

    Réponse: Scrambled words '45' de brettdallen, postée le 06-01-2010 à 23:30:29 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,
    To be honest I had totally forgotten that today was Wednesday! hopefully you're there, just like a/my landmark!
    Is this one game hard? let's take a look...

    1- A box in which bees are kept, and where they store their honey. ..... (vheeeib)BEEHIVE
    2- An opponent; an enemy. ..... (redyvaasr)ADVERSARY
    3- The short thick finger of the hand, set at a different angle from the other four. ..... (ubhmt)THUMB
    4- A piece of metal, plastic etc with a name on it. ..... (mtenpaale)NAMEPLATE
    5- Ready or anxious to do good to others. ..... (nkdi)KIND
    6- To make larger, especially by adding details to. ..... (laymfip)AMPLIFY
    7- To crush (a fly etc) by slapping it with something flat. ..... (astw)SWAT
    8- To speak or say very softly. ..... (hesrpwi)WHISPER
    9- High body temperature. ..... (evfre)FEVER
    10- To be mixed-up. ..... (doucfsne CONFUSED

    Thanks again for doing such a job! It's a pity so few people get into the game!
    Sorry for not replying your message... I'll do that asap!

    Réponse: Scrambled words '45' de ariette, postée le 07-01-2010 à 08:50:18 (S | E)


    I wish you a very happy new year

    1 beehive
    2 adversary
    3 thumb
    4 nameplate
    5 kind
    6 amplify
    7 swat
    8 whisper
    9 fever
    10 confused

    Thank you

    Réponse: Scrambled words '45' de dolfine56, postée le 07-01-2010 à 09:43:13 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,
    Thanks for this first one of the year.
    right now, the weather is very cold in France, not as much as in your country, but unusual for us.

    1- A box in which bees are kept, and where they store their honey. ...a beehive
    2- An opponent; an enemy. adversary
    3- The short thick finger of the hand, set at a different angle from the other four. ...the thumb
    4- A piece of metal, plastic etc with a name on it. ...a nameplate
    5- Ready or anxious to do good to others. ...kind
    6- To make larger, especially by adding details to. amplify
    7- To crush (a fly etc) by slapping it with something flat. swat
    8- To speak or say very softly. whisper
    9- High body temperature. ...fever
    10- To be mixed-up. be confused

    ...and it's going on for a new learning English year.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '45' de magmay, postée le 07-01-2010 à 12:40:28 (S | E)
    Hello Marit64,

    Here are my answers.

    1. Beehive
    2. Adversary
    3. Thumb
    4. Nameplate
    5. Kind
    6. To amplify
    7. Swat
    8. Whisper
    9. Fever
    10. To be confused

    Thank you for the game,
    Best Wishes for 2010!

    Modifié par magmay le 07-01-2010 13:22

    Réponse: Scrambled words '45' de nina80, postée le 07-01-2010 à 16:30:06 (S | E)
    Bonsoir Marit,

    1 - bee hive
    2 - adversary
    3 - thumb
    4 - nameplate
    5 - kind
    6 - to amplify
    7 - swat
    8 - to wisper
    9 - fever
    10- confused

    many thanks

    Réponse: Scrambled words '45' de eos17, postée le 07-01-2010 à 17:23:46 (S | E)
    Hello marit
    yesterday we saw the snow !some hours only .
    1-A box in which bees are kept and wherethey store their honey ....(vheeeib)-BEEHIVE
    2- An opponent; an enemy. ..... (redyvaasr) -ADVERSARY
    3- The short thick finger of the hand, set at a different angle from the other four. ..... (ubhmt) -THUMB
    4- A piece of metal, plastic etc with a name on it. ..... (mtenpaale)-NAMEPLATE
    5- Ready or anxious to do good to others. ..... (nkdi)-KIND
    6- To make larger, especially by adding details to. ..... (laymfip)TO AMPLIFY
    7- To crush (a fly etc) by slapping it with something flat. ..... (astw)-TO SWAT
    8- To speak or say very softly. ..... (hesrpwi)-TO WHISPER
    9- High body temperature. ..... (evfre)-FEVER
    10- To be mixed-up. ..... (doucfsne)- CONFUSED
    Have a nice week .See you soon

    Modifié par eos17 le 08-01-2010 13:11

    Réponse: Scrambled words '45' de laila, postée le 08-01-2010 à 07:35:50 (S | E)

    1-A box in which bees are kept, and where they store their honey. ..... (vheeeib)beehive
    2- An opponent; an enemy. ..... (redyvaasr)adversary
    3- The short thick finger of the hand, set at a different angle from the other four. ..... (ubhmt)thumb
    4- A piece of metal, plastic etc with a name on it. ..... (mtenpaale)nameplate
    5- Ready or anxious to do good to others. ..... (nkdi)kind
    6- To make larger, especially by adding details to. ..... (laymfip) amplify
    7- To crush (a fly etc) by slapping it with something flat. ..... (astw) swat
    8- To speak or say very softly. ..... (hesrpwi)whisper
    9- High body temperature. ..... (evfre)fever
    10- To be mixed-up. ..... (doucfsne)confused

    I Thank you!

    Réponse: Scrambled words '45' de chrislondon, postée le 08-01-2010 à 20:52:06 (S | E)
    Hi Marit,
    1. beehive
    2. adversary
    3. thumb
    4. nameplate
    5. kind
    6. amplify
    7. swat
    8. whisper
    9. fever
    10. confused

    Réponse: Scrambled words '45' de marit64, postée le 13-01-2010 à 21:13:06 (S | E)
    Hi everybody!

    for the work you've done. You're still my

    Here are the answers:

    1-beehive (ruche) 2-adversary (adversaire) 3-thumb (pouce) 4-nameplate (plaque)
    5-kind (gentil) 6-amplify (développer) 7-swat (écraser "avec une tapette")
    8-whisper (chuchoter) 9-fever (fièvre) 10-confused (confus).

    Many thanks to all of you for your participation.

    So long

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