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    Lettre de motivation - aide

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    Lettre de motivation - aide
    Message de niamor posté le 07-01-2010 à 10:46:15 (S | E | F)

    Je vous remercie d'avance de bien vouloir me signaler les erreurs commises dans cette lettre de motivation :

    Dear Sir, Madam,

    Having discussed with the person in charge of the International Relations as for the opportunities offered to the students concerning the pursuits of studies abroad, I decided to establish an international mobility’s file. Deeply interested, I suggest you looking over my application.
    As a student pursuing a degree in Architecture, I would like to deepen my knowledge in Asia Pacific architecture, with the ambition of working within a team, while considering the environment.

    Now, it turns out that Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning in Melbourne, besides being very well quoted, is directed to principles of creation through specialized studios, which seems to be convenient for my profile. Furthermore, this program offers a vision of all the problems connected to architecture in an artistic, historic, social and technical point of view, but also environmental and careerist.

    It is thus about an interdisciplinary program which best corresponds to my expectations.

    Besides, the fact that this Master's degree is proposed to the University of Melbourne is a real luck for me. Indeed, since the beginning of my higher education, I really wanted to spend a year abroad. I know that it represents a serious advantage on a curriculum vitae, which could allow me to start working more easily.
    Moreover, living a year in this country will let me discover the Australian way of life, and will constitute, no doubt, a very enriching personal experience.

    Thank you for the attention you will turn to my application.

    Yours faithfully,

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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