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    << Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Message de babydragoon posté le 23-02-2010 à 17:20:05 (S | E | F)

    Hi, my name is Gaby and I'm a french Boy.. so my teacher asked me to write about a Name: Vacillate, then I composed a text... Can you please help me with error or if something is bad writing ? Thank you a lot

    objective of my homework: Write a text (or a story) of a descriptive name (in our case, Vacillate.)

    Vacillate was a great politician man. One day, the PoH (protection of humanity) called him to know why he don't accept the abortion. The great politician was very undecided . After about 15 minutes of bad arguments with them on the phone, he began to question himself and his morality. He began to move back and forth on his mind, wondered if it will be a good idea, what will happen, cause and consequence. He started a poll in the entire community for another point view, to have help. The respond of the population was: 89% yes for the abortion and 11% no or undecided. The major politician started a new law for people who wants to be aborted. The result of this beautiful project was less abandoned babies and a second chance for many drunk ladies and gentlemen who wasn't ready for parenting. PoH thanked Vacillate for his great decision and give to him a golden medal.

    Finally, vacillate is not such bad thing...

    Thank you in advance !!
    Edited by bridg on 23-02-2010 18:33
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