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    Cover letter

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    Cover letter
    Message de loupevivante posté le 07-03-2010 à 02:39:32 (S | E | F)

    Could you help me to correct this cover letter. Thank you!

    March 8, 2010

    Subject: Job posting #xxx

    To whom it may concern,
    I’m writing this letter to apply for the position of medical receptionist, which was advertised on xxxxx this March 3, 2010. It was with great pleasure that I acquainted myself with this job vacancy in your enterprise because of my interest about your organization and healthcare industry.

    This position of medical receptionist in the health domain closely corresponds to my competencies field, regarding to my training and my working experiences. My collegial education in Nature Sciences joins to my five years participation to the International studies program allows me to develop an excellent organisation skill and great communication ability, either speech or writing. In addition, my working experience as a tennis coach with the Tennis de Rimouski Corporation gives me the opportunity to acquire a certain ease relatively to public relationships. Besides, I have a lot of knowledge relating to informatics concerning programs exploitation as well as quick data capture.

    Because of the required demands to hold such a position, I consider that I have the necessary experiences to carry this mandate through. My personal skills twin to my huge motivation will see to it that I will get the privilege to contribute to your company’s objectives and mission realisation.

    I sincerely want to thank you for the attention you turn to my request and my enclosed curriculum vitae. I will be glade provide you further information that you may require. I would appreciate the occasion to discuss with you in person in order to allow you to evaluation in a better way my candidature.

    Yours truly

    Modifié par bridg le 07-03-2010 06:53

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