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    Scrambled words '52'

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    Scrambled words '52'
    Message de marit64 posté le 10-03-2010 à 22:15:09 (S | E | F)


    Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

    1- An expression with a meaning that cannot be guessed from the meanings of the individual words. ..... (oimid)
    2- A thick sticky substance made of fruit etc preserved by being boiled with sugar. ..... (amj)
    3- Fruit, grain etc ready to be gathered in or eaten. ..... (ierp)
    4- To be grateful for something. ..... (repiceaapt)
    5- An adder. ..... (evrpi)
    6- A person whose work it is to know about and give advice and help to others concerning the law. ..... (wrlyae)
    7- One of the two glands in the male body in which sperm is produced. ..... (sitltece)
    8- Sexual intercourse between a husband and a woman who is not his wife or between a wife and a man who is not her husband. ..... (layturde)
    9- A tall vase or other container, especially for holding the ashes of a dead person. ..... (rnu)
    10- Something eaten or drunk before or at the beginning of a meal in order to increase the appetite. ..... (tazrpieeip)

    Good luck and have fun!

    You'll receive the answers next Wednesday.

    So long

    Réponse: Scrambled words '52' de brettdallen, postée le 10-03-2010 à 22:23:32 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,
    You're back and we're back to work!

    1- An expression with a meaning that cannot be guessed from the meanings of the individual words. ..... (oimid)IDIOM
    2- A thick sticky substance made of fruit etc preserved by being boiled with sugar. ..... (amj)JAM
    3- Fruit, grain etc ready to be gathered in or eaten. ..... (ierp)RIPE
    4- To be grateful for something. ..... (repiceaapt)APPRECIATE
    5- An adder. ..... (evrpi)VIPER
    6- A person whose work it is to know about and give advice and help to others concerning the law. ..... (wrlyae)LAWYER
    7- One of the two glands in the male body in which sperm is produced. ..... (sitltece)TESTICLE
    8- Sexual intercourse between a husband and a woman who is not his wife or between a wife and a man who is not her husband. ..... (layturde)ADULTERY
    9- A tall vase or other container, especially for holding the ashes of a dead person. ..... (rnu)URN
    10- Something eaten or drunk before or at the beginning of a meal in order to increase the appetite. ..... (tazrpieeip)APPETIZER

    This one was quite easy. Thanks for doing the job!

    Réponse: Scrambled words '52' de ariette, postée le 11-03-2010 à 09:33:30 (S | E)
    back Marit !
    1 idiom
    2 jam
    3 ripe
    4 appreciate
    5 viper
    6 lawyer
    7 testicles
    8 adultery
    9 urn
    10 appetizer

    a present for your gratifying scrambled words

    Lien Internet

    Réponse: Scrambled words '52' de dolfine56, postée le 11-03-2010 à 14:00:17 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,
    nice to see you back

    1- An expression with a meaning that cannot be guessed from the meanings of the individual words. idiom.
    2- A thick sticky substance made of fruit etc preserved by being boiled with sugar. ...jam
    3- Fruit, grain etc ready to be gathered in or eaten. ...ripe
    4- To be grateful for something. appreciate
    5- An adder. ...a viper
    6- A person whose work it is to know about and give advice and help to others concerning the law. ...a lawyer
    7- One of the two glands in the male body in which sperm is produced. ...the testicule.
    8- Sexual intercourse between a husband and a woman who is not his wife or between a wife and a man who is not her husband. adultary
    9- A tall vase or other container, especially for holding the ashes of a dead person. urn.
    10- Something eaten or drunk before or at the beginning of a meal in order to increase the appetite. appetizer.

    cheer, Marit, with this appetizer!
    thanks to you for that new one.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '52' de nina80, postée le 11-03-2010 à 17:58:13 (S | E)
    Dear Marit,

    1 - idiom
    2 - jam
    3 - ripe
    4 - appreciate
    5 - viper
    6 - lawyer
    7 - testicle
    8 - adultery
    9 - urn
    10- appetizer

    heureuse de vous retrouver.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '52' de eos17, postée le 11-03-2010 à 18:44:17 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    Here my words
    See you soon .

    Réponse: Scrambled words '52' de swan85, postée le 14-03-2010 à 11:55:22 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    Pleased to see you again

    1/ IDIOM
    2/ JAM
    3/ RIPE
    5/ VIPER
    6/ LAWYER
    9/ URN

    I am just going to eat some before lunch

    See you soon

    Modifié par swan85 le 17-03-2010 19:26

    Réponse: Scrambled words '52' de marit64, postée le 17-03-2010 à 20:19:07 (S | E)
    Hi everybody!

    for your nice work.

    Here are the answers:

    1-idiom (locution idiomatique) 2-jam (confiture) 3-ripe (mûr) 4-appreciate (être reconnaissant) 5-viper (vipère) 6-lawyer (avocat) 7-testicle (testicule)
    8-adultery (adultère) 9-urn (urne) 10-appetizer (apéritif, amuse-gueule).

    Thank you very much for your participation.

    So long

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