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    Description of a person - Essay

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    Description of a person - Essay
    Message de benchada posté le 26-04-2010 à 23:50:52 (S | E | F)

    Bonjour tout le monde,
    J'ai un travail à faire au lycée, et j'aimerais bien que vous m'aidiez pour le faire. C'est une description de la personnalité d'une personne.
    Il est un peu long, alors je vous demanderai de m'excuser.

    Voilà le sujet :

    Describe a person and discuss the qualities that make him exceptional


    My cousin is named “ Sanaa “, I really do admire her because she has several great qualities in her character. She is sociable and reliable, intellectual and punctual, ambitious and magnanimous, cheerful and helpful. All people do love her, you will find her smiling all the time. Although she has a lot of duties in her special life, she has always high degrees at the university thanks to her smartness and hardworking. Furthermore, my cousin is able to find times to read, among all her hectic days; this is why she is very intellectual in various fields. Reading for her is like the breath that she breaths, and frankly this is what I like in her personality, because I do believe too that we cannot know more about things just through reading.
    Besides that, Sanaa is known by her punctuality and her respect of time, every minute has a value in her dictionary, you never find her late unless it was an emergency situation. And this is what may bring her the respect of others. Personally I think that that’s another mark of a real special person.
    In addition, my uncle’s daughter is very interested in charity services, for that reason she is involved in many associations that help people, and even the cultural and sport associations she is involved in.
    All people love Sanna, simply because she knows how to deal with each kind of persons. She has a special way to deal with each kind of persons, I’m really amazed by her great ability to deal with them, you rarely find her at odds with a person.
    My cousin could combine the self-confident with humility and modesty.

    Merci d'avance pour tout.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 27-04-2010 14:40

    Réponse: Description of a person - Essay de notrepere, postée le 27-04-2010 à 03:36:51 (S | E)

    My cousin is named “ Sanaa “,[.] I really do admire her because she has several great qualities in her character (pas nécessaire). She is sociable and reliable, intellectual and punctual, ambitious and magnanimous, cheerful and helpful. All people do love her, [and] you will find her smiling all the time. Although she has a lot of duties in her special life, she has always (avant le verbe) high degrees at the university thanks to her smartness (utilise un autre mot) and hardworking (deux mots sans "ing"). Furthermore, my cousin is able to find times to read, among all her hectic days; this is why she is very intellectual in various fields. Reading for her is like the breath that she breaths ("I think you mean: breathes"), and frankly this is what I like in her personality, because I do believe too that we cannot know more about things just through reading.

    Besides that, Sanaa is known by her punctuality and her respect of time[,] (point) Every minute has a value in her dictionary[,] (point) you never find her late unless it was an emergency situation. And this is what may bring her the respect of others. Personally I think that that’s another mark of a real special person.

    In addition, my uncle’s daughter is very interested in charity services, (point) for that reason, she is involved in many associations that help people, and even the cultural and sport associations she is involved in.

    All people love Sanna, simply because she knows how to deal with each kind of persons (various types of people). She has a special way to deal with each kind of persons, (you just said this) I’m really amazed by her great ability to deal with them, (point) you rarely find her at odds with a person (anyone).

    My cousin could combine the self-confident (mal dit) with humility and modesty.

    There are a few other problems, but this will help you get started.

    Modifié par notrepere le 27-04-2010 03:38

    Réponse: Description of a person - Essay de benchada, postée le 27-04-2010 à 14:23:29 (S | E)
    Thanks a lot brother .
    I really benifited from your correction.
    Thanks again
    But.. please, would you mind tell me what the other problems are??

    Great thanks for your help.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 27-04-2010 14:33

    Réponse: Description of a person - Essay de lucile83, postée le 27-04-2010 à 14:39:01 (S | E)
    Merci de ne pas réclamer d'aide par message privé alors que vous avez posté sur le forum, et obtenu une réponse qui plus est !

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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