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    Some people can speak English...

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    Some people can speak English...
    Message de kev55 posté le 05-05-2010 à 16:23:45 (S | E | F)

    Bonjour à tous ,toutes ,
    pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait à corriger mon essai?
    Merci d'avance à tous ceux qui m'aideront.

    It is a well-known fact that some people can speak English while others do not. But can we consider that people who don't speak Englsih are deaf and dumb people ? In this way , we will see what are the reasons which urged the author to write this sentence .

    It is universally acknowledged that speaking English is an indispensable tool , "a must" to obtain a good job , in a call centre for instance.
    At first , English is the second language more spoken in the world behind Mandarin. This fact is mainly due to the financial world: international companies need a language that could be spoken by their employers so they could trade all over the world . Nowadays , English is taught at school in almost every country. But we may wonder if having a global language is positive or negative.
    Of course having a global language is positive : most people can speak it , or at least know the basics.
    It's very useful for tourism and work.
    But on the other hand , having a global language is harmful : for the global language itself , and for others languages.
    English , Chinese , and Spanish are considered as international languages , but if everybody can speak them, then the languages don't really belong to a specific country anymore.
    However , can we go until saying that people who didn't speak English can being compared to deaf and dumb people?
    Personally , I don't think that , because we can manage very well in the life without speak English even if it is true that it is true "more". But I can also understand the author when he writes that because English is the most widely spoken language worldwide.

    All things considered , we may claim that is preferable to speak English to succeed in this life professional and that English allows to travel and to render comprehensible itself in almost any country in the world but without to be considered as deaf and dumb if you don't speak English

    Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2010 16:30

    Modifié par kev55 le 10-05-2010 17:56

    Réponse: Some people can speak English... de gerondif, postée le 05-05-2010 à 17:37:03 (S | E)

    It is a well-known fact that some people can speak English while others do not. But can we consider that people who don't speak Englsih are deaf and dumb people ? In this way ( sens ? de cette façon? in the following lines), we will see what the reasons which urged the author to write this sentence are (pas d'inversion en style indirect).

    It is universally acknowledged that speaking English is an indispensable tool , "a must" to obtain a good job , in a call centre for instance.
    At first , English is the second more spoken language(position du mot corrigée) in the world behind(me semble trop "géographique" after) Mandarin. This fact is mainly due to the financial world: international companies need a language that could be spoken by their employers so they could trade all over the world . Nowadays , English is taught at school in almost every country. But we may wonder if having a global language is positive or negative.
    Of course having a global language is positive : most people can speak it , or at least know the basics.
    It's very useful for tourism and work.( for work parait bizarre: it's very useful in your job, if you want to work in .....)
    But on the other hand , having a global language is harmful : for the global language itself , and for others languages.
    English , Chinese , and Spanish are considered as international languages , but if everybody can speak them, then the languages don't really belong to a specific country anymore.
    However , can we go until(= jusqu'à ce que. We can go as far as to say that ...) saying that people who didn't speak English can being(horreur !! can + base verbale, inf sans to) compared to deaf and dumb people?
    Personally , I don't think that , because we can manage very well in the(à supprimer ! généralité) life without(est une préposition (sans), donc suivie d'un nom , donc d'un verbe transformé en nom, donc d'un gérondif, verbe en ing transformé en nom, donc: ) speaking English even if it is true that it is true "more".(sens?) But I can also understand the author when he writes that because English is the most widely spoken language worldwide.

    All things considered , we may claim that it is preferable to speak English to succeed in this(utile, ce this?) professional life and that English allows us to travel and to render comprehensible itself (mot-à-mot)in almost any(au sens de n'importe lequel, sinon every signifierait chaque) country in the world but without to be (gérondif après préposition !!)considered as deaf and dumb if you don't speak English

    I hope you understood my correcting, I hope "I made myself understood" !


    Réponse: Some people can speak English... de kev55, postée le 05-05-2010 à 18:02:38 (S | E)
    It is a well-known fact that some people can speak English while others do not. But can we consider that people who don't speak Englsih are deaf and dumb people ? In the following lines, we will see what the reasons which urged the author to write this sentence are.

    It is universally acknowledged that speaking English is an indispensable tool , "a must" to obtain a good job , in a call centre for instance.
    At first , English is the second more spoken language(position du mot corrigée?? qu'avez vous corrigé) in the world after)Mandarin. This fact is mainly due to the financial world: international companies need a language that could be spoken by their employers so they could trade all over the world . Nowadays , English is taught at school in almost every country. But we may wonder if having a global language is positive or negative.
    Of course having a global language is positive : most people can speak it , or at least know the basics.
    It's very useful for tourism and it's very useful in your job.
    But on the other hand , having a global language is harmful : for the global language itself , and for others languages.
    English , Chinese , and Spanish are considered as international languages , but if everybody can speak them, then the languages don't really belong to a specific country anymore.
    However , can we (ou we can ?) go as far as to say that people who didn't speak English can be compared to deaf and dumb people?
    Personally , I don't think that , because we can manage very well in life without speaking English even if it is true that it is true "more".(sens?je voulais dire c'est un véritable "plus") But I can also understand the author when he writes that because English is the most widely spoken language worldwide.

    All things considered , we may claim that it is preferable to speak English to succeed in professional life and that English allows us to travel and to render comprehensible itself (mot-à-mot : que puis-je mettre à la place svp)in every country in the world but without being considered as deaf and dumb if you don't speak English.

    Merci encore pour tout , et merci de vos explications qui accompagne vos corrections. :-)

    Réponse: Some people can speak English... de gerondif, postée le 05-05-2010 à 18:15:38 (S | E)
    It is a well-known fact that some people can speak English while others do not. But can we consider that people who don't speak English are deaf and dumb people ? In the following lines, we will see what the reasons which urged the author to write this sentence are.

    It is universally acknowledged that speaking English is an indispensable tool , "a must" to obtain a good job , in a call centre for instance.
    At first , English is the second more spoken language(le comparatif est passé devant le nom) in the world afterMandarin. This fact is mainly due to the financial world: international companies need a language that could be spoken by their employers so they could trade all over the world . Nowadays , English is taught at school in almost every country. But we may wonder if having a global language is positive or negative.
    Of course having a global language is positive : most people can speak it , or at least know the basics.
    It's very useful for tourism and it's very useful in your job.
    But on the other hand , having a global language is harmful : for the global language itself , and for others languages.
    English , Chinese , and Spanish are considered as international languages , but if everybody can speak them, then the languages don't really belong to a specific country anymore.
    However , can we go as far as to say that people who didn't speak English can be compared to deaf and dumb people?
    Personally , I don't think that (I don't think so serait plus anglais) , because we can manage very well in life without speaking English even if it is true that it is a true "more".(sens?je voulais dire c'est un véritable "plus": although I must admit it is a real advantage) But I can also understand the author when he writes that because English is the most widely spoken language worldwide.

    All things considered , we may claim that it is preferable to speak English to succeed in professional life and that English allows us to travel and to render comprehensible itself (mot-à-mot : que puis-je mettre à la place svp: ce par quoi je terminais mon post précedent en langage codé: j'espère que je me suis fait comprendre !!)in every country in the world but without being considered as deaf and dumb if you don't speak English.

    Réponse: Some people can speak English... de kev55, postée le 05-05-2010 à 18:33:38 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup chef pour toutes vos corrections.

    Réponse: Some people can speak English... de notrepere, postée le 07-05-2010 à 06:48:33 (S | E)

    At first , English is the second more spoken language

    Réponse: Some people can speak English... de gerondif, postée le 07-05-2010 à 09:45:16 (S | E)
    Effectivement, il faudrait un superlatif du type:

    English is the (second) most spoken language in the world!

    Bien vu !

    Réponse: Some people can speak English... de may, postée le 07-05-2010 à 12:20:15 (S | E)


    It is a well-known fact that some people can speak English while others do not. But can we consider that people who don't speak English are deaf and dumb people ? In the following lines, we will see ( what ) the reasons which urged the author to write this sentence ( are ).

    Une petite remarque:

    But can we consider that people who don't speak English are deaf and dump? In the following lines, we will see the reasons which urged the author to write this sentence.

    Happy Friday,

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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