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    Lettre de motivation en anglais

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    Lettre de motivation en anglais
    Message de marynella111 posté le 15-05-2010 à 12:15:12 (S | E | F)

    Je souhaite faire un semestre ersamus Erasmus en Finlande et pour cela je dois faire une lettre de motivation en anglais. Je vous serais reconnaissante si quelqu'un pouvait la corriger car c'est très important pour moi merci beaucoup

    Dear Madam or Sir,

    I contact you because of my wish to make my 5th semester as an ERASMUS student at the University of Turku.
    Meet new people; discover other cultures and traditions are very important for me. It’s for these reasons that I’ve chosen to be an ISFATES student. ISFATES is a French-German higher Institute of techniques, economics and sciences; his binational view is very interesting. Become an ERASMUS student is part of my dreams because it will permit me to widen my horizons and have a multinational view.

    I’m interested in going to Finland because of the omnipresent nature and the many traditions. I’ve participate in a finish introductory course during one year at High school but we were obliged to stop because we were a too small group. Going to Finland will be also an opportunity for me to learn finish at the University and also with the Finns.

    The fact that the teachings are in English will be a good opportunity for me to improve my English and tend to become trilingual (English, German and French). Practice English in everyday life will makes me progress faster than only learn English at school. My English level is quite good; I’m in the English advanced lesson. English is essential, it’s necessary to know how to master English perfectly in order to be easily integrated in the World of Work.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours sincerely

    Miss. XXX

    Merci beaucoup à vous tous !

    Modifié par lucile83 le 15-05-2010 12:21
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