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    Petite lettre/about a software

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    Petite lettre/about a software
    Message de maple posté le 21-05-2010 à 22:12:38 (S | E | F)

    Dear Mr G.,

    My name is A.R., student in Lyon at a class preparing for entrance examinations to the French Grandes Ecoles. I am working on a kind of thesis about the linearity of hypertexts and I use Graphviz to feel the linearity of the hypertexts I’m examining (then the computer calculate more precisely the rate of linarity). I was wondering how the software draws the types of graphes named DOT and NEATO (besides, where do come from these names?). I don’t ask you to detail the whole working of the program but to tell me the big ideas, that I’ll try to develop and complete as I can, because I can’t use decently a software whose I don’t have a definite idea about its working. Juries are, in essence, sadistic.

    Best regards

    Voilà, c'est un mail important et je cherche à mettre toutes les chances en éliminant les quelques fautes que j'ai pu laisser (et qui me permettront une fois corrigées de progresser un peu en anglais).

    Il ne doit pas y avoir beaucoup de fautes vu que je me suis bien relu, mais ce sont justement ces fautes-là dont je dois me rendre compte.

    Modifié par bridg le 21-05-2010 22:19

    Modifié par lucile83 le 21-05-2010 23:55

    Réponse: Petite lettre/about a software de notrepere, postée le 21-05-2010 à 23:16:31 (S | E)

    My name is A.R., [Pas de virgule. Il y a deux idées, alors, vous avez besoin d'une préposition + sujet entre les deux ou vous devez faire deux phrases] student in Lyon at [dans] a class preparing for entrance examinations to the French Grandes Ecoles. I am working on a kind of thesis about the linearity of hypertexts and I use Graphviz to feel [feel? Vous voulez dire comme toucher, palper, tâter, sentir ou quoi?] the linearity of the hypertexts I’m examining (then the computer calculate (accord) more precisely the rate of linarity). I was wondering how the software draws the types of graphes named DOT and NEATO (besides, Incidentally, where do come from these names [ordre des mots]?). I don’t ask [temps au négatif sans don't] you to detail the whole working of the program but to tell me the big ideas [choisissez des autres mots], that I’ll try to develop and complete as I can, because I can’t use decently [choisissez un autre mot; placez avant le verbe] a software whose [utilisez si] I don’t have a definite idea about its working. Juries are, in essence, sadistic. [Comment? Ce n'est pas quelque chose convenable pour une lettre formelle]

    Je m'appelle A.R et je suis étudiant... ou
    Je m'appelle A.R. Je suis étudiant...

    Sorry for any errors in my French explanations, I'm still learning. My advice is to be as polite as possible. You will win them over more if you are overly complimentary rather than being harsh. They are not under any obligation to divulge any information to you about the working of their software.

    Réponse: Petite lettre/about a software de maple, postée le 22-05-2010 à 11:24:32 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup
    Bizarre, en cherchant sur Internet, j'avais l'impression qu'il fallait mettre at ("at the university" par exemple) et puis ça permettait de ne pas faire de répétition, mais ce sont surtout les français qui n'aiment pas les répétitions je crois.

    Pour feel, je veux dire "sentir", "estimer", peut-être que reckon va mieux?

    "I don’t ask [temps au négatif sans don't]" Je n'ai pas trop compris... Il faut que je mette "I'm not asking"?

    Dit-on Incidently ou Incidentally?

    Avec la dernière phrase, j'essayais de faire de l'humour, mais c'est peut-être à éviter, effectivement.

    Votre français est bon mis à part une petite faute:
    choisissez des autres mots -> choisissez d'autres mots

    Après correction ma lettre donne ceci:

    Dear Mr G.,
    My name is A.R.. I am a student in Lyon in a class preparing for entrance examinations to the French Grandes Ecoles. I am working on a kind of thesis about the linearity of hypertexts and I use Graphviz to feel the linearity of the hypertexts I’m examining (then the computer calculates more precisely the rate of linearity). I was wondering how the software draws the types of graphs named DOT and NEATO (incidentally, where do these names come from?). I’m not asking you to detail the whole working of the program but to tell me the main principles, that I’ll try to develop and complete as I can, because I can’t rigorously use a software if I don’t have an idea about its working.
    Best regards

    Réponse: Petite lettre/about a software de notrepere, postée le 22-05-2010 à 18:04:27 (S | E)
    Hello! Almost perfect.

    I am a student from Lyon... (We would say: I am FROM Lyon but I live IN Lyon)
    ...Graphviz to estimate...
    ...hypertexts I'm examining, then the computer calculates... (no parentheses)

    ...named DOT and NEATO. (Incidentally, where do these... (Yes, incidentally, a silly mistake!)

    ...asking you to detail the whole workings of the program... (In AE, we talk about the workings (with an s) of a program).

    ...the main principles which I'll try to develop and complete as best I can. (which sounds better than that to me)

    This will assist me in being able to utilize your software more fully since I'll have a better understanding of how it works.

    (I think this last sentence would be better and less confrontational)

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Réponse: Petite lettre/about a software de maple, postée le 23-05-2010 à 14:21:23 (S | E)
    Merci, mon interlocuteur m'a très vite répondu !

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