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    Cover lettre/USA

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    Cover lettre/USA
    Message de cuddles80 posté le 25-05-2010 à 12:47:33 (S | E | F)

    Bonjour !
    Je cherche à postuler aux Etats-Unis après mon stage de fin d'études (informatique).

    Pour cela j'ai écrit cette lettre de motivation et j'aurais aimé qu'un œil expert y regarde la lise j'ai peur de ne pas voir certaines formulations inadaptées.

    (également s'il vous semble approprié d'ajouter, par rapport à la culture américaine, certaines informations, je vous écoute ! )


    Dear Sir

    In order to improve my skills, I'm looking for a six months to one year job in software development in the bay area from October 2010.

    I'm currently doing a six-months internship at ____(France) for ____, a leading Pan-European company providing innovative solutions for the transport and logistics industry.
    I also have great skills in GWT with sides projects.

    I am contacting you in the hope that my candidacy will be of interest to you.
    I will be delighted to give you more details about my profile on Skype.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully.
    S. W.

    Enc : Résumé

    Modifié par lucile83 le 25-05-2010 12:49
    + titre + no name on the forum

    Réponse: Cover lettre/USA de notrepere, postée le 25-05-2010 à 16:36:23 (S | E)

    In order to improve my skills, I'm looking for a six- to twelve-month to one year job (position) in software development in the Bay Area from starting in October 2010.

    I am contacting you to inquire about a position in software development in the Bay Area. I am looking for short term employment (6-12 months) which will help me improve my skills.

    I'm (I am) currently doing a six-months internship at (in) ____(France) for ____, a leading Pan-European company providing innovative solutions for the transport and logistics industry. [You might want to talk more about how what you do at this company might be of use to the position to which you are applying. If you are applying for a position with a specific company, you should put here why you are applying with this company. A little "sucking up" as we would say in the U.S. is always good instead of just talking about yourself. For instance, "Your company is a leader in ... and I believe it would be a great place to work... etc. Let me know if you need help with this.]

    I also have great skills in GWT (what is GWT?) with sides projects (Since I don't know what GWT is, I'm not sure about this).

    I am contacting you in the hope that my candidacy (skills) will be of interest to you.

    I will (would) be delighted (more than happy) to give you more details about me via Skype.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    I can be contacted in the following ways:

    Yours faithfully.

    Yours faithfully is too personal for a job application.

    Remember, there are a lot of people applying for jobs. You need to make yourself stand out from the rest of the applications without going "over the top". Ask yourself, if someone didn't know me at all, what would I need to tell them about me to get them interested in me? You know what your strengths and qualities are, but your potential employers don't. You shouldn't make any assumptions that they are going to be interested in you without giving them something to be interested in.

    Modifié par notrepere le 25-05-2010 21:49

    Réponse: Cover lettre/USA de cuddles80, postée le 27-05-2010 à 14:47:56 (S | E)
    Thank you for your response which is very interesting !
    I will work on it with your advices before posting it again

    Again, thank you

    Réponse: Cover lettre/USA de cuddles80, postée le 31-05-2010 à 13:37:28 (S | E)
    What do you think about this mail ?
    GWT is a computer science technology.
    A web-app is an application like Gmail for example.

    I don't know if "side projects" is right for talking about project which I made on my free time.

    Dear Sir,

    I am contacting you to inquire about a position in software development in _______.
    I am looking for short term employment (6-12 months) starting in October 2010 which will help me improve my skills.

    I am currently doing a six-months internship in _____ (France) for ____, a leading Pan-European company providing innovative solutions for the transport and logistics industry.* In a previous interview I see that you work with GWT, I acquired a strong experience in this technology with side projects like _____________ (beta web-app to manage rentals) which would allow me to excel in a short term employment in __________.

    I am contacting you in the hope that my skills will be of interest to you.
    I would be more than happy to give you more details about my profile on Skype.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    I can be contacted in the following ways:
    - by mail at ________________
    - by Skype at ________________

    Enc : Résumé

    For an other company I will ask for mobile products position.
    J2ME is a technology for mobile applications.
    With "in the next few weeks" I mean that it should append in one or two weeks for the end of my internship. is it comprehensible ?
    I write this part to "sell myself" :

    I see on your website that you are looking for mobile products engineer. In this internship, I am working on mobile products for _______, actually on J2ME applications. I will be responsible of an iPhone or Android prototype in the next few weeks. This is why I would excel in a short term employment in ______ .

    Thank you for your help

    Modifié par cuddles80 le 31-05-2010 13:38

    Réponse: Cover lettre/USA de notrepere, postée le 01-06-2010 à 01:06:53 (S | E)
    Dear Sirs, (Dear Sirs is a little outdated but OK. You could also say: To whom it may concern:

    I am contacting you to inquire about a position in software development in _______. I am looking for short term employment (6-12 months) for the purpose of sharing my expertise, gaining valuable work experience at your company and developing new skills. I am currently undertaking a six-month internship in _______ so I will be available starting in October 2010.

    [Note: six-month internship - no "s" on the word "month"]

    How do the skills that you are learning in your internship apply to this position? What other skills do you have besides "GWT" that might interest this company? You don't need to put them all in your cover letter, but you might want to list your main skills and experience which will help potential employers decide whether they want to even consider you.

    I would be more than happy to give you more details about my profile via Skype.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    I can be contacted in the following ways:
    - by mail at ________________
    - by Skype at ________________

    Enc : Résumé

    Modifié par notrepere le 01-06-2010 04:05

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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