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    Correction/ Flood in Var,France

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    Correction/ Flood in Var,France
    Message de zinaudore posté le 18-06-2010 à 07:17:34 (S | E | F)

    Serait-il possible de corriger les fautes dans le texte en anglais s'il vous plaît?

    In the night tuesday 15 june at wednesday 16 june, the country Var devasted by due floods torrent rains.
    About 1500 first-aid workers worked all night for help the blocked persons in your cars or on roofs.
    Otherwise, about 2000 persons accommodated in sporting rooms.
    The night wednesday, an old fogey's home must be evacued.
    They is a low rail traffic in the var for safety reasons.
    The philosophy test took place normally.
    But, middle schools and high schools remained closed.
    Weeks will be needed to estimate the economic impact of the disaster.

    Dans la nuit du mardi 15 juin au mercredi 16 juin, le département du Var a été dévasté par des inondations dues à des pluies torrentielles. Environ 1500 secouristes ont travaillé toute la nuit pour secourir des personnes bloquées dans leur voiture ou sur des toits.Par ailleurs, 94000 maisons ont été privées d'électricité.
    Environ 2000 personnes sont restées hébergées dans des gymnases.Une maison de retraite a été évacuée mercredi soir.
    Il y a eu une faible circulation ferroviaire dans le Var pour des raisons de sécurité.
    L'épreuve de philosophie de jeudi s'est déroulée normalement.
    Mais les collèges et les lycées sont restés fermés.
    Il faudra des semaines pour évaluer l'impact économique de la catastrophe.

    Merci d'avance de votre aide.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 18-06-2010 07:20
    + titre

    Réponse: Correction/ Flood in Var,France de bulsara_berte, postée le 18-06-2010 à 07:52:50 (S | E)

    je vous donne des indications de correction

    "In the night tuesday 15 june( formulation à revoir) at ( erreur de préposition) wednesday 16 june (majuscule aux jours et mois), the country ( sens?) Var devasted by due floods torrent rains ( voc à revoir).
    About 1500 first-aid workers worked all night for (expression du but, de l'objectif) help the blocked persons in your (pronom possessif)cars or on roofs.
    Otherwise, about 2000 persons accommodated in sporting rooms.
    The night wednesday, an old fogey's home (voc ) must be evacued.
    They (erreur de pronom) is a low rail traffic in the var for safety reasons.
    The philosophy test (voc) took place normally.
    But, middle schools and high schools remained closed.
    Weeks will be needed to estimate the economic impact of the disaster.

    Par ailleurs, vous n'avez pas traduit la phrase 'Par ailleurs, 94000 maisons ont été privées d'électricité'

    Voilà, ma correction n'est pas exhaustive



    Modifié par bulsara_berte le 18-06-2010 07:56

    Réponse: Correction/ Flood in Var,France de zinaudore, postée le 20-06-2010 à 01:03:24 (S | E)
    In the night, from Tuesday 15 June to Wednesday 16 June, the Var departement was devasted by floods torrentials rains.
    About 1500 first-aid struggled all night to help the stuck people in theirs cars or on roofs.
    Otherwise, 94 000 houses were without electricity and about 2000 people accommodated in gymnasuims.
    In the night, from Wednesday, an old people's home must be evacuated.
    There was a low rail traffic in the Var for safety reasons.
    The philosophy written test took place normally.
    But, middle schools and high schools remained closed.
    Weeks will be needed to estimate the economic impact of the disaster.

    Réponse: Correction/ Flood in Var,France de notrepere, postée le 20-06-2010 à 05:30:56 (S | E)

    In (On) the night, from (of) Tuesday 15 June to (until) Wednesday 16 June, the Var department was devasted [orthographe] by floods due to torrentials rains.

    About 1500 first-aid workers struggled all night to help the stuck people [reverse order] in theirs cars or on roofs.

    Otherwise (Around) 94 000 houses were without electricity and about 2000 people were [a été] accommodated in gymnasuims [orthographe].

    In the night, from Wednesday, An old people's home must be (was) [a été] evacuated Wednesday evening.

    There was low rail (railway) traffic in the Var for safety reasons.

    The philosophy written test took place normally on Thursday.

    But middle schools and high schools remained closed.

    Weeks will be needed (It will take weeks)
    to estimate the economic impact of the disaster.

    Bon courage!

    Réponse: Correction/ Flood in Var,France de zinaudore, postée le 20-06-2010 à 10:43:27 (S | E)
    On the night, of Tuesday 15 June to until Wednesday 16 June, the Var department was devastated by floods due to torrentials rains.

    About 1500 first-aid workers struggled all night to help the people stuck in theirs cars or on roofs.

    Around 94 000 houses were without electricity and about 2000 people has accommodated in gymnasiums.

    An old people's home must was evacuated Wednesday evening, because of the elctricity.

    There was low railway traffic in Var for safety reasons.

    The philosophy written test took place normally on Thursday.

    But middle schools and high schools remained closed.

    It will take weeks to estimate the economic impact of the disaster.

    Réponse: Correction/ Flood in Var,France de zinaudore, postée le 20-06-2010 à 10:49:23 (S | E)
    In the night, from Tuesday 15 June to Wednesday 16 June, the Var departement was devasted by floods of torrential rains.
    About 1500 first-aid struggled all night to help the stuck people in theirs cars or on roofs.
    Otherwise, 94 000 houses were without electricity and about 2000 people were accommodated in gymnasiums.
    An old people's home had to evacuated in the Wednesday night.
    There was a low rail traffic in the Var for safety reasons.
    The philosophy written test took place normally.
    But, middle schools and high schools remained closed.
    Weeks will be needed to estimate the economic impact of the disaster.

    Réponse: Correction/ Flood in Var,France de lucile83, postée le 20-06-2010 à 10:59:08 (S | E)

    Mind the numbers with a comma : 1,500/94,000 in English.

    Réponse: Correction/ Flood in Var,France de zinaudore, postée le 20-06-2010 à 11:33:00 (S | E)
    In the night, from Tuesday 15 June to Wednesday 16 June, the Var departement was devasted by floods of torrential rains.
    About 1,500 first-aid struggled all night to help the stuck people in theirs cars or on roofs.
    Otherwise, 94,000 houses were without electricity and about 2,000 people were accommodated in gymnasiums.
    An old people's home had to evacuated in the Wednesday night.
    There was a low rail traffic in the Var for safety reasons.
    The philosophy written test took place normally.
    But, middle schools and high schools remained closed.
    Weeks will be needed to estimate the economic impact of the disaster.

    Et pour 2000 c'est 2000 ou 2,000

    Modifié par lucile83 le 20-06-2010 11:47

    Réponse: Correction/ Flood in Var,France de lucile83, postée le 20-06-2010 à 11:48:06 (S | E)

    2 000

    Réponse: Correction/ Flood in Var,France de zinaudore, postée le 20-06-2010 à 12:01:06 (S | E)
    In the night, from Tuesday 15 June to Wednesday 16 June, the Var departement was devastated by floods of torrential rains.
    About 1,500 first-aid struggled all night to help the stuck people in theirs cars or on roofs.
    Otherwise, 94,000 houses were without electricity and about 2,000 people were accommodated in gymnasiums.
    An old people's home had to evacuated in the Wednesday night.
    There was a low rail traffic in the Var for safety reasons.
    The philosophy written test took place normally.
    But, middle schools and high schools remained closed.
    Weeks will be needed to estimate the economic impact of the disaster.

    Réponse: Correction/ Flood in Var,France de lucile83, postée le 20-06-2010 à 17:00:20 (S | E)

    Je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous corrigez apparemment, mais si on regarde vos messages les uns après les autres on voit que les corrections apportées le 20-06-2010 à 10:43:27 disparaissent dans le message du 20-06-2010 à 10:49:23, et qu'en fait vous ne savez plus où vous en êtes.

    Reprenez votre message du 20-06-2010 à 10:43:27 en corrigeant les chiffres comme vous l'avez fait, relisez en vous aidant des infos données par bulsara_berte et notrepere, et postez un texte qui soit correct, merci.

    Best wishes.

    Réponse: Correction/ Flood in Var,France de zinaudore, postée le 20-06-2010 à 22:06:42 (S | E)
    Je réécris le texte pour que l'on voit que les erreurs ont été corrigées.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 20-06-2010 22:10
    pour les correcteurs!

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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