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    To get used to

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    To get used to
    Message de luna34 posté le 22-06-2010 à 15:57:15 (S | E | F)

    Hello !

    I'm currently learning these expressions " To be used to" and " To get used to "
    Can anyone tell me which translation(s) of this sentence is better.
    Here it is:

    With the time I have gotten used to being away from my family
    Avec le temps je m'habitue à être loin de ma famille.
    Or Avec le temps je me suis habituée à être loin de ma famille.

    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Best wishes
    Modifié par bridg le 22-06-2010 16:28
    Titre en minuscules

    Modifié par lucile83 le 22-06-2010 16:40

    Réponse: To get used to de dolfine56, postée le 22-06-2010 à 16:16:36 (S | E)
    Hello Luna,

    With the time I have gotten used to being away from my family
    Avec le temps je m'habitue à être loin de ma famille.

    Or Avec le temps je me suis habituée à être loin de ma famille.

    I think the second sentence is right.
    because with "I have gotten", there is an action that began in the past and is always current.
    see you.

    Réponse: To get used to de notrepere, postée le 22-06-2010 à 17:54:17 (S | E)

    "To be used to" and "to get used to" are similar but one is used in progression to the other.

    If you have gotten used to something, that means you are used to it.

    In American English, we would say:

    Over time, I have gotten used to being away from my family.
    So now, you are used to being away from your family.

    Over time, I got used to being away from my family.

    "Over" is used in the sense of Lien Internet

    18. throughout the duration of: over a long period of years.

    I haven't gotten used to being away from my family yet = I'm not used to being away from my family yet.

    You don't like it? Well get used to it!
    I like it now. I'm used to it.
    At first I didn't like walking to work, but now I'm used to it.
    At first I didn't like Lucile's rose text, but now I'm used to it (and I actually look forward to it).

    Note that "gotten" is chiefly and the British would use the past participle "got" instead.

    The British quit using it 300 years ago Lien Internet

    I still rather like "gotten" myself.

    Modifié par notrepere le 23-06-2010 06:38
    Lucile, do you like my flags?

    Modifié par lucile83 le 24-06-2010 08:01
    Yes notrepere, I do but I don't like 'gotten'
    Modifié par notrepere le 24-06-2010 19:31
    Yes, 'gotten' does have a certain vulgar sound to it. If you read the article, the British attempted to rid the usage in the English language. Obviously they didn't succeed. There are 67 million (67 000 000) examples on Google of 'gotten' . I don't think it's going away. Of course, there are 2 billion examples of 'got' . So 'got' wins overall. We do use 'got' in the U.S., it just depends on the context and the verb tense.

    Réponse: To get used to de franglais1, postée le 22-06-2010 à 18:02:29 (S | E)
    That's it mates

    to get used to = future
    To be used to is already done

    Modifié par lucile83 le 22-06-2010 20:41

    Réponse: To get used to de lamy, postée le 24-06-2010 à 06:07:22 (S | E)

    Plus simplement:

    to get used to = s'habituer à, prendre l'habitude de
    to be used to = être habitué à

    Dans votre exemple 'With the time I have gotten used to being away from my family', je choisirais la traduction : "Avec le temps je m'habitue à être loin de ma famille" (ce qui sous-entend que le processus de prise de l'habitude n'est pas fini).

    Pour traduire: "Et maintenant j'y suis habitué(e)" ou "je m'y suis habitué(e)", je dirais: 'And now I am used to it'.

    Cela confirme en français ce que dit notrepere.


    Modifié par lamy le 24-06-2010 06:08

    Réponse: To get used to de luna34, postée le 28-06-2010 à 14:23:18 (S | E)
    Hi all,Thanks for all your replies which have helped me a lot.

    You are all really nice.

    Have a good week

    Best wishes

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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