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    Internship application

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    Internship application
    Message de lealouise posté le 07-09-2010 à 23:30:39 (S | E | F)
    Could you give tell me if my email is correct ?
    Thank you for your help!

    Dear Madam,

    Further to your last email you seemed to be interested in my internship application. Knowing that I would love to be part of your team too, I am currently seeking grants form my area.
    Indeed "***group" could offer me an entry level job experience for me to learn about the real estate sector.
    I will be available from November, time to obtain my visa J1 which is compulsory to work legally in the United States, or lately at your convenience.

    Please, could you let me know if you're still interested in ?
    Edited by lucile83 on 07-09-2010 23:32

    Réponse: Internship application de may, postée le 08-09-2010 à 03:08:20 (S | E)

    It's good, just a few touches to make more sense:

    Dear Madam,

    Further to your last email ponctuation you seemed to be interested in my internship application on dit application pour un stage . Knowing that I would love to be article manquant part of your team too,autre ponctuation I am currently seeking grants form faute orthographe/ ainsi mauvais préposition my area.
    Indeed "***group" could offer me an entry level data entry job experience (for me) to learn about the real estate sector.
    I will be available from November le mois de Novembre,séparer la phrase içi avec un point time to obtain my visa J1 which is compulsory to work legally in the United States, or mot manquantlately at your convenience.

    Please, could you would you like to let me know if you're still interested in mot manquant ?

    (..) pas nécessaire

    Bonne chance,

    Réponse: Internship application de lealouise, postée le 08-09-2010 à 10:39:10 (S | E)
    Thank you for your help !

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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