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    Scrambled words '79'

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    Scrambled words '79'
    Message de marit64 posté le 15-09-2010 à 19:22:16 (S | E | F)

    Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

    1- A revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair. ..... (ueyom-drnr-rgo)
    2- A person to whom one is engaged to be married. ..... (néfcai)
    3- To pass the tongue over. ..... (clki)
    4- To place a tax on something. ..... (pisemo)
    5- A person who works in, and looks after, a garden. ..... (drreagen)
    6- Very tiny pieces of bread. ..... (drsubcberma)
    7- A heavy piece of metal with points which dig into the sea-bed, used to hold a boat in one position. ..... (harnoc)
    8- Trees having green leaves all the year round. ..... (gerneeerv)
    9- Something happens every day. ..... (aydli)
    10- A disease that causes madness (and usually death) in dogs and other animals (including humans). ..... (irsbae)

    Good luck and have fun!

    So long

    Réponse: Scrambled words '79' de headway, postée le 15-09-2010 à 19:32:22 (S | E)

    1- A revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair. ..... (ueyo-nr-rgo)Merry-go-round
    2- A person to whom one is engaged to be married. ..... (néfcai)Fiancé
    3- To pass the tongue over. ..... (clki)Lick
    4- To place a tax on something. ..... (pisemo)Impose
    5- A person who works in, and looks after, a garden. ..... (drreagen)Gardener
    6- Very tiny pieces of bread. ..... (drsubcberma)Breadcrumbs
    7- A heavy piece of metal with points which dig into the sea-bed, used to hold a boat in one position. ..... (harnoc)Anchor
    8- Trees having green leaves all the year round. ..... (gerneeerv)Evergreen
    9- Something happens every day. ..... (aydli)Daily
    10- A disease that causes madness (and usually death) in dogs and other animals (including humans). ..... (irsbae)Rabies

    À bientôt

    Réponse: Scrambled words '79' de eos17, postée le 16-09-2010 à 10:25:36 (S | E)

    Hello marit
    Here my words .
    3-To lick
    4-To impose

    see you soon

    Réponse: Scrambled words '79' de nina80, postée le 16-09-2010 à 12:44:31 (S | E)

    Hello Marit,

    1- merry-go-round
    2- fiancé
    3- to lick
    4- to impose
    5- gardener
    6- breadcrumbs
    7- anchor
    8- evergreen
    9- daily
    have a nice day

    Réponse: Scrambled words '79' de dolfine56, postée le 16-09-2010 à 13:36:58 (S | E)
    Hi, dear marit,
    How are you? I'm sure your Indian summer is coming very soon

    1- A revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair. ..... (ueyom-drnr-rgo)--a merry-go-round.
    2- A person to whom one is engaged to be married. ..... (néfcai)--a fiancé (à la française!)
    3- To pass the tongue over. ..... (clki)--to lick
    4- To place a tax on something. ..... (pisemo)--to impose
    5- A person who works in, and looks after, a garden. ..... (drreagen)--a (constant) gardener
    6- Very tiny pieces of bread. ..... (drsubcberma)--breadcrumbs
    7- A heavy piece of metal with points which dig into the sea-bed, used to hold a boat in one position. ..... (harnoc)--an anchor
    8- Trees having green leaves all the year round. ..... (gerneeerv)--evergreen
    9- Something happens every day. ..... (aydli)--daily
    10- A disease that causes madness (and usually death) in dogs and other animals (including humans). (irsbae) ..... (rabies

    Yessss,dear marit, we had fun...thanks to you.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '79' de violet91, postée le 17-09-2010 à 22:19:14 (S | E)
    Good evening , dear marit and all,

    1 ) Merry-go-round : "magic roundabout"
    2 ) Fiancé : he leaves you some time before making sure he'll be the right husband !
    3 ) Lick : like a cat's rough tongue on your hand .
    4 ) Impose : like the "Sheriff of Nottingham".
    5 ) Gardener : hoping he is "constant".
    6 ) Breadcrumbs : for little sparrows or " piafs!" Oh! Crumbs !
    7 ) Anchor Again (encore) the brand of pilchards !
    8 ) Evergreen : like the beautiful timeless song "Greensleeves".Enjoy painter Rossetti,too. Lien Internet

    9 ) Daily :like -What shall I prepare for dinner, today?
    10 ) Rabies :GB doesn't have that sort of thing. Cheers ,Pasteur !
    That's all for tonight .See you.
    Modifié par bridg le 22-09-2010 20:42 Retrait de vidéo

    violet91 ...
    Re traire : verbe du 3ème groupe .

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