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    Message de luna_lune posté le 23-09-2010 à 13:34:55 (S | E | F)
    erait-il possible de me dire s'il y a des fautes dans mon texte. Je sais que ça se fait pas de dire cela mais c'est un peu urgent je dois envoyer cela pour mon travail.
    erci beaucoup excusez-moi de demander cela de cette façon.

    My name is XXX and I joined the OTP team on september 15 as Brand Manager. I m here for just five days now but, it already feels like I'm here for much longer! Many thanks for your warm welcome.
    My story begins in the Netherlands but I grew up with the french and dutch culture and language. That roots and the ambition to work in an international environment made me move to brussels 5 years ago. After working 3 years for Friesland Foods professional I did work the last 2 years for Sara Lee as Product Manager Douwe Egberts.
    I'm quite an active person. I did gymnastics (30h/week) for many years until I changed all that for a hockey stick. So now you can find me during the week and in the weekend at the hockeyfield.
    If we concide in a business trip, bring your running shoes and we'll go for a jog, if there's time and energy left at least!
    I m looking forward to working with all of you.
    Modifié par bridg le 23-09-2010 14:36
    Les points, les majuscules, traits d'union et apostrophes sont indispensables en français, merci d'y penser

    Réponse: Presentation de gerondif, postée le 23-09-2010 à 15:05:38 (S | E)

    My name is XXX and I joined the OTP team on September 15th(prononcer "on September the fifteenth" en anglais, les américains ont renoncé au th et diront simplement "on September fifteen") as Brand Manager. I m (si votre for signifie depuis, il faut mettre un present perfect avec auxiliaire avoir et participe passé de be)here for just five days now but it already feels like I'm(idem) here for much longer! Many thanks for your warm welcome.
    My story begins in the Netherlands but I grew up with the french and dutch cultures and languages. That(pluriel) roots and the ambition to work in an international environment made me move to brussels 5 years ago. After working 3 years for Friesland Foods professional I did(ok si c'est une forme d'insistance: j'ai vraiment travaillé pour... sinon prétérit en ed) work the last 2 years for Sara Lee as Product Manager Douwe Egberts(la place de ces deux mots me surprend, je les aurais mis avant le métier).
    I'm quite an active person. I did gymnastics (30h/week) for many years until I changed all that for a hockey stick. So now you can find me at the hockeyfield during the week and in the weekend .
    If we concide (??)in a business trip, bring your running shoes and we'll go for a jog, if there's (if we have irait mieux, ce serait moins impersonnel) time and energy left at least(= au moins et non pas du moins préférez "I mean" ou that is to say (c'est-à-dire) placés devant if there is)!
    I'm looking forward to working with all of you.

    Réponse: Presentation de notrepere, postée le 23-09-2010 à 15:30:22 (S | E)
    Hello Gerondif. Who says we have given up 'th' with dates? I haven't. In fact, it seems bizarre without it in this case. If the year had been included, then we would probably leave it out:

    September 15, 2010.


    Réponse: Presentation de gerondif, postée le 23-09-2010 à 16:54:39 (S | E)

    I knew you wouldn't be far !! It's just that when I look at the NYT, the date is always without th, but your distinction is interesting, in any case, I'm glad to know that ordinal numbers are still used in dates, my grammatical certainties crumble a little less !

    Réponse: Presentation de notrepere, postée le 23-09-2010 à 17:27:01 (S | E)
    Hello! You are correct. It looks like they often leave them off. I stand corrected. Personally, I learned to put them on. It looks like current practice, at least in the press, is to leave them off.


    Réponse: Presentation de gerondif, postée le 23-09-2010 à 18:14:25 (S | E)
    Hello again, np,

    Talking about dates, what would you say more naturally ?
    "in twenty o eight" or in "two thousand and eight" ?

    I teach my pupils that for ten centuries, people have been used to saying
    "in nineteen fifty-three" as a short form of "in nineteen hundred and fifty three", and so the usage goes on although you can't develop "in twenty ten " into " in twenty hundred and ten". "in two thousand and ten" being the correct grammatical form.

    Do you consider "in twenty ten" as a mistake often used orally or as a usual normal expression ?

    Réponse: Presentation de notrepere, postée le 23-09-2010 à 18:42:20 (S | E)
    Hello gerondif!

    If the year is less than 10, then we add the "O" when speaking for dates before 2000:

    Eighteen O one.
    Eighteen O two.
    Eighteen ten.
    Eighteen eleven.
    Nineteen O one.
    Nineteen O two.
    Nineteen ten.
    Nineteen eleven.

    Starting with the year 2000, we started indicating the century when speaking:

    Two thousand and one. (or Two Thousand One)
    (e.g. the movie "2001, a space odyssey" is usually pronounced: Two thousand and one, a space odyssey)
    Two Thousand Two.

    We never say "Twenty O One", "Twenty O Two", etc.

    The practice varies with 2010.
    I have heard: Two thousand and ten, two thousand ten, and twenty ten.

    I suspect as the novelty of the 21st century wears off, we will return to the patterns of the past. That is, unless the world really ends in Twenty-Twelve.


    Réponse: Presentation de gerondif, postée le 23-09-2010 à 18:52:12 (S | E)
    Hello again !
    Thank you for this answer.

    I know that "two thousand two" is common in your part of the world, I usually teach this to my students:

    2310: 2,310: two thousand, three hundred and ten:
    "thousand" requires "," "hundred" requires "and".
    If you take out 300, what happens to 2010:
    two thousand,(three hundred) and ten: the and and the comma are left !Who wins? the and:
    two thousand and one, two thousand and two, two thousand and twenty.
    Grammatically speaking that is !
    As we pronounce this and 'n, it falls out especially in American:
    two thousand and two,/ two thousand 'n two,/ two thousand two which is much simpler to pronounce.

    anyway, I would have thought that twenty o eight would have been more usual than what you imply,


    Réponse: Presentation de may, postée le 24-09-2010 à 03:11:55 (S | E)

    I agree with notrepere to put th with dates, as we are supposed to read them as september the tenth, the eleventh, the fifteenth....Also, we can see very clearly the importance of st,nd,rd with dates, as first, second, third. Otherwise, they will be read as september one, two, three which is not properly when speaking for dates, n'est-ce pas?

    One more thing, two thousand and one, two thousand and two, two thousand and twenty normally shows as the written amount of dollars and cents on a check

    Bonne nuit

    Réponse: Presentation de luna_lune, postée le 24-09-2010 à 09:32:30 (S | E)
    merci pour votre aide

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