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    Correction/describe a picture

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    Correction/describe a picture
    Message de my-heeart posté le 26-09-2010 à 15:34:13 (S | E | F)
    Voila je dois décrire une photographie en Anglais, et je voulais savoir si ma description convenait et si vous pouviez m'aider à corriger mes fautes.

    This photograph is from a TV series called ' Dexter '. This picture is in color. In the foreground there was dexter who reads a newspaper ' The Miami Star '. In the Background we can see a cityscapes. Dexter is in the center of the photograph, he wears a hawaiian shirt. He has short hair and light brown and brown eyes. He looks at something that looks right to disturb. Dexter reads the newspaper that talks about a killer in Miami and Dexter appears on the front page of the newspaper on the right back on the photography. In the background you can see palm trees in front of buildings, and the sun on the right in the picture.
    I find that the scene makes you want to know what disturbs Dexter.

    Voila si vous pouviez m'aider ce serait très gentil.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 26-09-2010 18:58


    Réponse: Correction/describe a picture de notrepere, postée le 26-09-2010 à 17:56:25 (S | E)

    In the foreground, there was dexter who reads a newspaper ' The Miami Star ' [simplify: In the foreground, Dexter is reading a newspaper called "The Miami Star".]. In the Background we can see a cityscapes [pas de 's']. Dexter is in the center of the photograph, (;) he wears [present continuous] a hawaiian shirt. He has short hair and light brown [What does light brown describe?] and brown eyes. He looks [present continuous] at something that looks right to disturb [bizarre expression]. Dexter reads [préposition manquante] the newspaper that talks about a killer in Miami and Dexter appears on the front page of the newspaper on the right back on the photography. In the background you can see palm trees in front of buildings, and the sun on the right in the picture.

    [préposition manquante] the newspaper, Dexter reads that talks [à supprimer] about a killer in Miami and Dexter appears on the front page of the newspaper on the right back on the photography [ce n'est pas clair].

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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