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    Lettre de motivation GB

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    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Lettre de motivation GB
    Message de titepoulpinette posté le 28-09-2010 à 20:50:46 (S | E | F)
    Bonsoir à tous et à toutes,
    Voilà je vous présente un post, et j'espere vous aurez l'envie de me venir en aide :
    Je pars vivre 1 an en Australie prochainement; sur place je chercherai du travail principalement en Hôtellerie. J'aimerais si possible vos avis, corrections, et conseils pour mettre toutes les chances de mon côté.

    Je vous dresse le contexte: J'ai préparé une lettre de motivation dans le cadre d'une candidature spontanée (groupe xxxx). Je ne recherche pas un poste précis, j'ai de l'expérience en réception, mais je suis polyvalente et j'ai touché à un peu chaque service d'un hôtel : restaurant, PDJ, chambres, Bar.

    "mes coordonnees
    coordonnes hotel

    To whom it may concern,
    I would like to inquire as to weather there are any opening for a post in your Hotel.

    My work experience has given mie the opportunity to develop my adaptation capacity to many situations and to be more self confident.

    In fact, in France, I have worked as a front des receptionist for two years in different hotels. As you can see from my resume, I was in charge of welcoming customers (check in/out), featuring hotel facilities, doing invocing and payment, openning/closing cashdesk, presenting the attracts of the area (restaurants, museums, activities...), ... I hold the telephonique standard for individuals, companies, ans travel agencies. I created bookings for individuals, for groups (tourist, business). I was also in charge of updating rates and avaibilities of the hotel on many web providers (For example :, Expedia, HotelBeds, Lastminute...)

    Even if, I gained experience in several services : reception, breakfast time, restaurant, bar, housekeeping. In France, companies are looking for applicants which could be "multifunction". And this is an abilitie that I've got.

    Hotel Environment is familiar to me, that's why I really would like to work for your company, and for AccorHotels again.
    And I'm confident that my tourism degree, along my years of experience, make me an excelent element for you hotel.
    I think that i could apply my combination of knowledge and experience to your hotel, to cross Australian an French way of working.

    I would welcome the privilege of speaking with you further, and i'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you for your consideration
    Your faithfully
    Ms ..."

    En vous remerciant d'avance pour votre aide,
    Excellente soirée

    Modifié par bridg le 28-09-2010 20:56

    Modifié par lucile83 le 28-09-2010 20:59

    titre + orthographe
    Lien utile:
    Lien Internet

    Réponse: Lettre de motivation GB de gerondif, postée le 28-09-2010 à 21:19:05 (S | E)
    le début est lisible, le milieu beaucoup moins (traducteur ? )

    To whom it may concern,
    I would like to inquire as to weather(météo : whether) there are any openings for a post(position) in your Hotel.

    My work experience has given mie the opportunity to develop my adaptation capacity to many situations and to be more self-confident.

    In fact, in France, I have worked as a front desk receptionist for two years in different hotels. As you can see from my résumé, I was in charge of welcoming customers (checking in/out), featuring hotel facilities(j'aurais dit rendre disponible (to make available), doing invocing and payment, opening/closing cashdesk, presenting the attracts (à changer : highlights)of the area (restaurants, museums, activities...), ... I hold(prétérit! l'expression est maladroite par ailleurs) the telephonique standard for individuals, companies, ans travel agencies. I created(to issue) bookings for individuals, for groups (tourist, business). I was also in charge of updating rates and availabilities of the hotel on many web providers (For example :, Expedia, HotelBeds, Lastminute...)

    Even if(même si ? n'a pas de sens ici), I gained experience in several services : reception, breakfast time, restaurant, bar, housekeeping. In France, companies are looking for applicants which could be "multifunction"(une recherche sur dictionnaire et posts donne "multi-task employees" à vous de l'intégrer). And this is an ability that I've got.

    Hotel Environment is familiar to me, that's why I really would like to work for your company, and for AccorHotels again.
    And I'm confident that my tourism degree, along with my years of experience, make me an excellent element for your hotel.
    I think that i could apply (mal construit, n'a pas de sens)( je pense que votre hotel pourrait bénéficier de (to benefit from) mon expérience....) my combination of knowledge and experience to your hotel, to cross(quel sens? enseigner ? to teach) Australians an French way of working.

    I would welcome the privilege of speaking with you further, and i(majuscule)'m looking forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you for your consideration
    Yours faithfully
    Ms ..."

    Good luck in Australia !

    Réponse: Lettre de motivation GB de notrepere, postée le 29-09-2010 à 06:22:51 (S | E)
    Bonjour! Just a couple of minor changes...

    In fact, in France, I have worked as a front desk receptionist for two years in different hotels. As you can see from my résumé, I was in charge of welcoming customers (checking in/out), featuring hotel facilities, doing invocing [orthographe] and payment, opening/closing cashdesk, presenting the attracts

    In France, companies are looking for applicants which (that) could be ...

    Hotel Environment is familiar to me, (;) that's why I really would like to work for your company, and for AccorHotels again.

    Réponse: Lettre de motivation GB de titepoulpinette, postée le 29-09-2010 à 18:04:26 (S | E)

    Merci beaucoup GERONDIF, et NOTREPERE pour votre correction, et vos conseils.
    Si vous le voulez bien, j'ai tenté de corriger mes fautes, puis je vous ai noté sur certaines phrases le sens que je voulais leur donner et sur lesquelles je n'ai pas réussi à les transcrire correctement en anglais!!

    To whom it may concern,
    I would like to inquire as to wether there are any openings for a position in your Hotel.

    My work experience has given me the opportunity to develop my adaptation capacity to many situations and to be more self-confident.

    In fact, in France, I have worked as a front desk receptionist for two years in different hotels.
    As you can see from my résumé [pourquoi mettre des accents?] , I was in charge of welcoming customers (checking in/out), featuring hotel facilities and amenities(j'aurais dit rendre disponible (to make available) [===> je voulais dire "presenter les équipements et aménagements de l'hotel] , doing invoicing and payment, opening/closing cashdesk, presenting the highligths of the area (restaurants, museums, activities...), ... I hold(prétérit! l'expression est maladroite par ailleurs) the telephonique standard for individuals, companies, ans travel agencies [je souhaité dire "je m'occupais de la bonne tenue du standard telephonique" peut etre puis je mettre "I was in charge of answering phone, dealing with individuals, companies, and travel agencies"?] , making bookings for individuals, for groups (tourist, business). I was also in charge of updating rates and availabilities of the hotel on many web providers (For example :, Expedia, HotelBeds, Lastminute...)

    [En gros ici, je voulais exprimer l'idee que meme si mon experience porte sur la reception, j'ai eu l'occasion de toucher aux differents services d'un hotel]
    Even if, most of my experience was in the front desk reception, I gained experience in several services : breakfast time, restaurant, bar, housekeeping. In fact, Many companies are looking for applicants which that could show their multi-task ability. And I think, I've got this ability.

    Hotel Environment is familiar to me, that's why I really would like to work for your company, and for AccorHotels again.
    And I'm confident that my tourism degree, along with my years of experience, make me an excellent element for your hotel.
    I think that your hotel could benefit from my experience. I'll really enjoy have the opportunity to work in your company, because I think it'll be the best way to improve my english, and to discover a new way of living.

    I would welcome the privilege of speaking with you further, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you for your consideration
    Yours faithfully
    Ms ..."

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Kind Regards

    Réponse: Lettre de motivation GB de gerondif, postée le 29-09-2010 à 18:34:59 (S | E)

    To whom it may concern,
    I would like to inquire as to wether(whether) there are any openings for a position in your Hotel.

    My work experience has given me the opportunity to develop my adaptation capacity to many situations and to be more self-confident.

    As a matter of fact, I have worked as a front desk receptionist for two years in different hotels in France.
    As you can see from my résumé [pourquoi mettre des accents? parce qu'ils nous ont piqué le mot comme soufflé ou touché en escrime.] , I was in charge of welcoming customers (checking in/out), introducing hotel facilities and amenities, doing invoicing and payment, opening/closing cashdesk, presenting the highligths (pour eight, bought, caught, highlights, etc... pensez à "j'ai acheté", g.h.t.)of the area (restaurants, museums, activities...), ... I was in charge of answering the phone, dealing with individuals, companies, and travel agencies , making bookings for individuals, for groups (tourist, business). I was also in charge of updating rates and availabilities of the hotel on many web providers (For example :, Expedia, HotelBeds, Lastminute...)

    Even if most of my experience was working at the front desk reception, I gained experience in several services : breakfast time, restaurant, bar, housekeeping. In fact, Many companies are looking for applicants which that ( who, l'antécédent est humain. that pourrait aller aussi avec un sens limitatif))could show their multi-task ability. And I think I've got this ability.

    Hotel Environment is familiar to me, that's why I really would like to work for your company, and for AccorHotels again.
    And I'm confident that my tourism degree, along with my years of experience, will make me an excellent element for your hotel.

    I think that your hotel could benefit from my experience. I'll really enjoy to have the opportunity to work in your company, because I think it'll be the best way to improve my English, and to discover a new way of living.(way of life)

    I would welcome the privilege of speaking with you further, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you for your consideration
    Yours faithfully
    Ms ..."

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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