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    Aide rédaction CV 1

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    Aide rédaction CV 1
    Message de ozzirsenga posté le 30-09-2010 à 17:54:22 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous,
    Nouvelle sur le forum, je cherche un personne qui pourrait relire mon cv en anglais et me donner des conseils.
    Il est assez long donc je fais deux envois
    Merci d'avance à ceux qui voudrait bien m'aider
    Key Skills
     Project management cycle: Identification, formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation (ex ante, interim and ex post)
     Coordination / monitoring of project and program: administrative, financial, logistics, human resources, reporting
     Diagnostic and feasibility study (mapping, GIS, survey techniques, databases)
     Fundraising

    Areas of expertise
     Planning, local development, decentralization
     Urban planning, Food security, Water Supply, Sanitation
     Promotion of Human Rights
     Council and methodological support, training, strengthening the capacity and the role of civil society
     Public awareness, advocacy
     Humanitarian Aid / Emergency


    Project manager International Solidarity - xxx( Federation of associations financed by the city of xxx comprising one hundred members )
    Support to the associations acting abroad
    • Supported the setting up of projects of development and fundraising : projects proposals, budget drafting, technical and methodological advice
    • Responsible for training: project cycle management, monitoring and evaluation, gender, intercultural, food security,
    •Created of awareness events and information on international solidarity and the North-South relations: the week of international solidarity, campaigns, conferences, exposition, workshops...
    Responsible for youth action in international solidarity
    • Analysed and processed of grant applications submitted to the City of Rennes 75 000 euros/ by year

    Monitoring of decentralized cooperation between Rennes and the area of xxx in xxx:
    • Analysis of applications for grants submitted by the associations at the city of rennes: food security projects, water supply projects, income-generating projects, education sector projects. 200 000 euros / by year
    • Supported the associations for the definition, setting up, implementation and monitoring / evaluation of projects
    • Monitored and assessed missions of projects in Bandiagara, Mali

    Program Coordinator - xxx - xxx – xxx
    • Managed the programs: water supply project in the province of Mondol Kiri, flood preparedness project in Mekong River, food security
    • Contributed to the definition of country strategy: financial, technical, human resources
    • Implemented the operational strategy : support the project managers, field visit, followed up the reporting, Assess activities

    • Supervised the daily management of the mission: administrative, human resources, security, logistic procedures (520,000 euros)
    • Managed of human resources of the local team (40 people) and expatriate (2 people.) : Recruitment, training
    • Developed and follow up proposals of projects : budget drafting, projects proposals, fundraising, narrative and financial reports, Assessment of the program outputs and impact.
    • Represented of AAH, relations with local partners, NGOs, local authorities and donors (DipEcho, ECHO, DFID...)

    Project Manager - xxx - xxx – xxx

    Relief mission of emergency for people affected by Hurricane Jeanne

    • Implemented projects: popular canteens for children under 5 years, nutritional monitoring surveys, hygiene promotion, construction of latrines and emergency water program, WASH, food security assessment.
    • Coordinated and ensured smooth implementation of and adherence to logistic, human resource, administration and security procedures. (Budget :500,000 euros)
    • Provided operational support to the technical project managers
    • Coordination and management of human resources of the local team (94 people.) and expatriate (5 pers.) recruitment, training, reporting, staff appraisal
    • Representation of AAH, relations with local partners, NGOs, UN, local authorities and donors (USAID, UNICEF, DAH, DFID, PAM, ECHO...)

    Modifié par lucile83 le 30-09-2010 18:15

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