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    Scrambled words '83'

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    Scrambled words '83'
    Message de marit64 posté le 13-10-2010 à 23:21:36 (S | E | F)

    Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

    1- An adhesive label or sign bearing a design, political message etc. ..... (cskirte)
    2- A member of a male religious group, who lives in a monastery, away from the rest of society. ..... (nokm)
    3- A synonym of "ridiculous, silly". ..... (lfhoios)
    4- Slighty warm. ..... (klrumeaw)
    5- The money received by a person as wages. ..... (miceno)
    6- To wash the throat with a soothing liquid, by letting the liquid lie in the throat and breathing out against it. ..... (lggrea)
    7- A container used for holding water, milk etc. ..... (kbtceu)
    8- A person etc not living on or coming from the planet Earth. ..... (tetatirarerelxsr)
    9- Any of the figures 0 to 9. ..... (gditi)
    10- A person who controls boxing, football etc matches, makes sure that the rules are not broken. ..... (eeeerrf)

    Good luck and have fun!

    I wish you a nice week.

    So long

    Réponse: Scrambled words '83' de dolfine56, postée le 14-10-2010 à 15:35:07 (S | E)
    Hello, dear Marit..

    it's nice to see you back!

    1- An adhesive label or sign bearing a design, political message etc. ..... (cskirte) a sticker.
    2- A member of a male religious group, who lives in a monastery, away from the rest of society. ..... (nokm)a monk.
    3- A synonym of "ridiculous, silly". ..... (lfhoios)foolish.
    4- Slighty warm. ..... (klrumeaw)lukewarm.
    5- The money received by a person as wages. ..... (miceno)income.
    6- To wash the throat with a soothing liquid, by letting the liquid lie in the throat and breathing out against it. ..... (lggrea)to gargle
    7- A container used for holding water, milk etc. ..... (kbtceu)I'm still looking for...
    8- A person etc not living on or coming from the planet Earth. ..... (tetatirarerelxsr)an extraterrestrial.
    9- Any of the figures 0 to 9. ..... (gditi)a digit.
    10- A person who controls boxing, football etc matches, makes sure that the rules are not broken. ..... (eeeerrf)a referee.

    Thanks ever so much, dear Marit,see you next week

    Réponse: Scrambled words '83' de eos17, postée le 14-10-2010 à 18:02:15 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    How are you ? Here my words !
    6- to gargle

    I continue to research .Have a nice week

    Modifié par eos17 le 14-10-2010 18:45

    Modifié par eos17 le 14-10-2010 18:47

    Réponse: Scrambled words '83' de violet91, postée le 14-10-2010 à 18:40:28 (S | E)
    Hello marit! Viva Shawinigan!

    1 ) A sticker :like someone who 'd never leave you alone or your petdog !
    2 ) A monk : comme la lotte "monkfish"!
    3 ) Foolish : like foolish me ! Or "Baby,don't let me play the fool"!!
    4 ) Lukewarm : as warm as Prince Luke.
    5 ) Income : without any tax!
    6 ) To gargle: not a silent medicine.
    7 ) Bucket : not like Samuel !
    8 ) Extraterrestrial : like E.T "call home!"
    9 ) Digit : not a D.J .Less musical!
    10 ) A referee : not always "fair-play" ."La main d' Henry"!!" Viva Eire !

    and have an enjoyable week !

    Réponse: Scrambled words '83' de nina80, postée le 14-10-2010 à 18:53:48 (S | E)
    Bonjour Marit,

    1 - sticker
    2 - monk
    3 - foolish
    4 - luckewarm
    5 - income
    6 - to gargle
    7 - bucket
    8 - extraterrestrial
    9 - digit
    10- referee

    Encore une fois, merci Marit pour tout le temps que vous nous consacrez.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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