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    Correction/face danger

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    Correction/face danger
    Message de the-teaser posté le 27-10-2010 à 15:39:52 (S | E | F)
    Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger ce texte s'il vous plaît?
    Voici le sujet de cette rédaction :
    "Do you think running away from a danger is always the right solution ?"
    Merci d'avance pour votre future aide à la correction !

    People react differently when they meet a danger. Some of them run away and the others confront the danger.

    There are two kinds for taking to flight. First, when you aren’t such courageous and you’re so afraid that the only one thing that you do is shunning. Secondly, when you think running away is the best and the easiest solution.
    But there are some consequences : you’ll be nervous because it will be on your mind. Whatever you do, you’ll think about that ! You’ll lose your self-confidence and you’ll say that you are a nonentity because you didn’t say stop in time.

    When you decide to leave out your fears, you take the best decision. Maybe it’s hard but it shows your tenacity. Even though you take a risk however it’s worth trying ! There are lots of means to confront the danger but at all events. You’ll show courage. Your strength will be more important, you’ll be less vulnerable.
    But there are some consequences too, you’ll confront the danger or make flip-flop, even if you are determined, do you get your way ? If you arrive to do what you want, you’ll never be afraid.

    Consequently, I think the best thing to do, it’s to face the danger in spite of that’s easier said than done !

    Modifié par the-teaser le 27-10-2010 17:33

    Modifié par lucile83 le 30-10-2010 13:41

    Réponse: Correction/face danger de the-teaser, postée le 30-10-2010 à 13:32:29 (S | E)
    Personne ne peut m'aider ?

    Modifié par lucile83 le 30-10-2010 13:43

    Réponse: Correction/face danger de diego44, postée le 31-10-2010 à 12:11:10 (S | E)
    People react differently when they meet a danger. Some of them run away and the others confront the danger.

    There are two kinds for taking to flight. First, when you aren’t such courageous and you’re so afraid that the only one thing that you can do is shunning. Secondly, when you think running away is the best and the easiest solution.
    But there are some consequences : you’ll be nervous because it will be on your mind. Whatever you do, you’ll think about that ! You’ll lose your self-confidence and you’ll say that you are a nonentity because you didn’t say stop in time.

    When you decide to leave out your fears, you take the best decision. Maybe it’s hard but it shows your tenacity. Even though you take a risk however but it’s worth trying ! There are lots of means (ways) to confront the danger but at all events (I don't understand the sentence). You’ll show courage how brave you are. Your strength will be more important increase thus you’ll be less vulnerable.
    But there are some consequences too, you’ll confront the danger or make flip-flop, even if you are determined, do you get your way ? If you arrive to do what you want, you’ll never be afraid ( I don't understand the sentence).

    Consequently, I think the best thing to do (sujet), it’s is to face with the danger in spite of even if that’s easier said than done !

    Réponse: Correction/face danger de the-teaser, postée le 03-11-2010 à 19:35:49 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup !

    Réponse: Correction/face danger de mrlonely, postée le 03-11-2010 à 20:12:44 (S | E)

    People react differently when they meet a danger. Some of them run away and the others but others confront the danger.

    There are two kinds for taking to flight reasons. First, when you aren’t such courageous and you’re so afraid that the only one thing that you can do is shunning. Secondly, when you think running away is the best and the easiest solution.
    But there are some consequences : you’ll be nervous because it will be on your mind. Whatever you do, you’ll think about that ! You’ll lose your self-confidence and you’ll say that you are a nonentityfeel bad because you didn’t say stop in time.

    When you decide to leave out your fears, you take the best decision. Maybe it’s hard but it shows your tenacity. Even though you take a risk however but it’s worth trying ! There are lots of means ways to confront the danger but at all eventssituations . You’ll show courage how brave you are. Your strength will be more important increase thus you’ll be less vulnerable(i didn't undearstand) .
    But there are some consequences too, you’ll confront the danger or make flip-flop, even if you are determined, do you get your way ? If you arrive to do what you want, you’ll never be afraid.

    Consequently, I think the best thing to do , it’s is to face with the danger in spite of even if that’sit's easier said than done !

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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