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    Correction/What the Poles did for us

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    Correction/What the Poles did for us
    Message de lucietralala posté le 29-10-2010 à 15:12:27 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous.
    Je dois faire un résumé d'un article de journal en plus ou moins 200 mots, le thème étant l'immigration polonaise en Angleterre et surtout le fait qu'elle est de plus en plus moindre diminue. Pourriez-vous me dire si mon résumé est correct?


    Since Poland joined the EU in 2004, millions of Poles has immigrated to Britain, attracted by the high wages offered by our country and discouraged by the few job opportunities in their native nation. But the tendancy is reversing, and Polish conditions of living are increasing contrary to the economic situation of England. Bankrupts of British banks aren't in the same league as the new growing wealth of Poland anymore. These europeans aliens are now ready to go back home.

    Accordind to the Home Office, there are less and less Polish registratures. We have to admit that we will miss them: England's economy of the previous years relied on these workers, farmers, nurses, physicians. The London Olympic Games' buildings will have to be erected without their precious -and cheap- help. But perhaps we can retain some of the things the Poles brought us, the best example being what we could call a « Polish point of view ». They reminded us of the old good times of our grandparents: the moral values of family, hard work, courteousness, simplicity.

    Goodbye, Polish friends. We are grateful to you for the work you did here. The old generation that you represent will be lacking.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 29-10-2010 20:45

    Réponse: Correction/What the Poles did for us de notrepere, postée le 29-10-2010 à 20:27:45 (S | E)

    Since Poland joined the EU in 2004, millions of Poles has [accorde] immigrated to Britain, attracted by the high wages offered by our country and discouraged by the few job opportunities in their native nation. But the tendancy [orthographe] is reversing, and Polish conditions of living (living conditions in Poland) are increasing [en forme d'un adverbe] contrary to the economic situation of (in) England. Bankrupts of British banks aren't in the same league as the new growing wealth of Poland anymore. [cette phrase n'a pas le meilleur sens*] These europeans [pas pluriel] aliens are now ready to go back home.

    Accordind to the Home Office, there are less and less Polish registratures . We have to admit that we will miss them: England's economy of the previous years relied on these workers, farmers, nurses, physicians. The London Olympic Games' buildings [pas la meilleure construction: 'The buildings for the London Olympic Games'] will have to be erected without their precious -and cheap- help. But perhaps we can retain some of the things the Poles brought us, the best example being what we could call a « Polish point of view ». They reminded us of the old good times [expression idiomatique: "good old times"] of our grandparents: the moral values of family, hard work, courteousness, simplicity.

    Goodbye, Polish friends. We are grateful to you for the work you did here. The old generation that you represent will be lacking.

    *The on-going collapse of British banks is in stark contrast to the growing wealth in Poland.

    Très bon travail...

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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