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    Correction d'un résumé
    Message de pandito posté le 02-11-2010 à 12:42:51 (S | E | F)
    voilà un résumé d'un extrait de The Landlady, de Roald Dahl, j'aimerais savoir si j'ai fait des fautes; merci d'avance

    Billy Weaver searching a bed for spend the night, he is about to pressed the bell.
    When Billy pressed the bell, intantly the door swung open and a woman was standing here.
    That surprised Billy who made jump. The woman who has their fifties, poses a strange atmosphere in this house. She says to him : "please, enter", with a honeyed voice. But a amazing requierement says to him "follow her in the house..."
    The old lady asked a moderate amount and Billy agree to stay for the night. the woman he proposed to come in. She showed to him the rooms in the house and surprisingly, Billy is charmed by the old lady. Billy thought that the oldlady was overrun with clients, and ask the question to his landlady.
    He had to answer that she was selective but that he was her kind of customer, but this does not really worried, because he was charmed. Equally suspicious, when the old lady shown to Billy his bedroom, the bed was already peapared for him, and the old lady called Billy "Mr Perkins".
    But when he went down, he felt good in thiq cozy room, "i'm lucky fellow", he thought.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 02-11-2010 13:55

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