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    Message de elmadrilene posté le 02-11-2010 à 13:34:11 (S | E | F)
    Je suis en terminale S et j'ai un DM à rendre en anglais samedi. Il s'agit d'un type BAC. Donc je l'ai fini mais j'aimerais cependant si c'est possible, que vous me corrigiez mes fautes d'orthographe ou m'aidiez à améliorer mon écrit avec des expressions, thank you.

    1. The narrator’s name is Richard Bransson. His age group is 60 and he is a British industrialist. Concerning his social status, Richard Bransson is crossed by the middle class to the billionaire class. He has two children who are Holly and Sam. He loves his family and he gives a lot of advices to his children for their future career.

    2. He wrote this letter before his crossing in hot-air balloon. This journey could be without return so in this letter Richard Bransson decided to give advice to his children whish can guide them in the future life (in his absence). His main advice is to take advantage completely of the life, of every minute, and to take care of their mother
    Two aspects of his personality can be revealed: he is dutiful for his family and he is responsible because he plays his father's role.

    5. For the narrator, “this balance” means poise between the work and the fun. According him, work and pleasure are compatible. In effect, with his work he has had fun and he has made money.

    6. “A Christmas celebration” is not a suitable title. In effect, he didn’t celebrate Christmas he made a business around Christmas and more particularly around Christmas trees. It was more occupied to working during this period.

    7. A) The plan was to grow Christmas trees for sold them at the time of Christmas. So he plant with his friend (Nik Powell) 400 seedlings in their field at home.
    He found it great because Christmas trees grew themselves (line 36) and everyone wanted a Christmas tree. In effect it’s a cash crop (line 35-36).
    B) The narrator thinks this business worth waiting for. In effect, he made 795 pounds in profit (line 50). Furthermore, we have to work hard to have money. In effect, money doesn’t grow on tree (line 51). And finally, maths is very important to be able to make calculate to have the maximum of profit (line 45).

    8. The tone in the last paragraph is funny. In effect, he said line 51: “money doesn’t grow on trees” what is true and funny. Then concerning rabbits; he said all our friends had rabbit pie with his 5 pounds investment and “We all - except the rabbits - gained something” (line 35-36). This “ – except – “ is funny.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 02-11-2010 13:50


    Réponse: Orthographe/correction de elmadrilene, postée le 02-11-2010 à 18:15:06 (S | E)
    Personne ?

    Réponse: Orthographe/correction de elmadrilene, postée le 02-11-2010 à 22:22:38 (S | E)
    S'il vous plaît c'est juste pour vérifier...

    Réponse: Orthographe/correction de gerondif, postée le 02-11-2010 à 22:50:52 (S | E)
    certaines de vos phrases sont traduites de façon très mot-à-mot, style traducteur automatique comme in effect pour en effet. Du coup, les correcteurs se font rares !

    1. The narrator’s name is Richard Bransson. His age group is 60 and he is a British industrialist. Concerning his social status, Richard Bransson is crossed by(est traversé par) the middle class to the billionaire class. He has two children who are Holly and Sam. He loves his family and he gives a lot of advices(jamais pluriel) to his children for their future careers.

    2. He wrote this letter before his crossing in a hot-air balloon. This journey could be without return so in this letter Richard Bransson decided to give advice to his children whish(orthographe) can(à mettre au prétérit) guide them in the future life(pluriel) (in his absence). His main advice is to take advantage completely of the life, of every minute, and to take care of their mother
    Two aspects of his personality can be revealed: he is dutiful(mauvais choix pour dévoué, dutiful signifie obéissant) for his family and he is responsible because he plays his father's role(plutôt part).

    5. For the narrator, “this balance” means poise between the work and the fun. According **(manque un mot) him, work and pleasure are compatible. In effect, with his work he has had fun and he has made money.

    6. “A Christmas celebration” is not a suitable title. In effect, he didn’t celebrate Christmas he made a business around Christmas and more particularly around Christmas trees. It was more occupied to working (français traduit: il était plus occupé à travailler)during this period.

    7. A) The plan was to grow Christmas trees for sold them at the time of Christmas. So he plant(prétérit) with his friend (Nik Powell) 400 seedlings in their field at home.
    He found it great because Christmas trees grew themselves(construction bizarre) (line 36) and everyone wanted a Christmas tree. In effect it’s a cash crop (line 35-36).
    B) The narrator thinks this business is worth waiting for. In effect, he made 795 pounds in profit (line 50). Furthermore, we have to work hard to have money. In effect, money doesn’t grow on trees (line 51). And finally, maths is very important to be able to make calculate to have the maximum of profit (line 45).

    8. The tone in the last paragraph is funny. In effect, he said line 51: “money doesn’t grow on trees” what(mauvais choix de relatif) is true and funny. Then concerning rabbits; he said all our friends had rabbit pie with his 5 pounds investment and “We all - except the rabbits - gained something” (line 35-36). This “ – except – “ is funny.

    Réponse: Orthographe/correction de elmadrilene, postée le 03-11-2010 à 12:52:50 (S | E)

    J'ai essayé d'utiliser le moins de fois possible le traducteur et pour "in effect" j'utilise ceci depuis déjà quelques années et ça ne pose pas problème auprès de mes professeurs.

    Sinon pour is crossed by je cherche à dire "Il est passé de la classe moyenne à la classe des millionaires".

    Pour la 2. which could
    Dutiful a été donné dans l'aide et j'ai trouvé que sa traduction était dévoué.

    5. according to him

    Pour occupé à travailler c'est ce que je veux dire justement. Je peux aussi remplacer par busied.

    7. To sold
    ...Do calculate

    8. Which pour le relatif


    Réponse: Orthographe/correction de gerondif, postée le 03-11-2010 à 17:49:55 (S | E)

    pour "in effect" j'utilise ceci depuis déjà quelques années et ça ne pose pas problème auprès de mes professeurs. j'ai vérifié, le mot existe mais je trouve que in fact est bien plus approprié

    Sinon pour is crossed by je cherche à dire "Il est passé de la classe moyenne à la classe des millionaires". prenez le verbe aller (go) ou se déplacer (to move) au prétérit et utilisez from...... to.... pour montrer qu'il est passé de telle classe à telle autre.

    Pour la 2. which could ok!

    Dutiful a été donné dans l'aide et j'ai trouvé que sa traduction était dévoué.
    oui, dévoué au sens de consciencieux, qui fait ses devoirs, je pense que vous vouliez dire devoted to his family au sens ou il se consacre à sa famille.5. according to him ok!

    Pour occupé à travailler c'est ce que je veux dire justement. Je peux aussi remplacer par busied. non !! la construction est: I am busy correcting your paper. Adaptez !

    7. To sold : ok pour to au sens de pour mais il est suivi de la base verbale: I come to work !je viens pour travailler.

    ...Do calculate (non, deux verbes de suite)

    8. Which pour le relatif ok, derrière une virgule .

    Réponse: Orthographe/correction de elmadrilene, postée le 03-11-2010 à 20:05:25 (S | E)

    Cependant je n'ai pas compris avec "sold" donc pouvez-vous m'éclairer ? merci

    Réponse: Orthographe/correction de gerondif, postée le 03-11-2010 à 23:16:19 (S | E)
    Regardez cet exemple déjà donné:
    I come to work !je viens pour travailler.
    pour se traduit par to quand il indique un but et il est suivi d'une base verbale appelée autrefois infinitif sans to.

    the plan was to grow Christmas trees to sell them for Christmas.(pour les vendre)

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