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    Correction /report

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    Correction /report
    Message de lepingouin posté le 03-11-2010 à 23:28:29 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous, vous pourriez me dire s'il y a des fautes dans ce texte que j'ai à rendre demain?
    Merci beaucoup!


    To: Mr Jxxx Pxxxx
    From : Txxx numberxxxx Committee
    Date : November 3, 2010
    Re : Exercice about a Recruitment Decision October 21, 2010.

    Using the Cxxxx Exxxx Cxxxx and Rxxxx report, our group has beed designed to carry out a recruitment decision. This position will have to deal with a new market in Central Europe. And so, we have assessed the four candidates.

    We have chosen Sxxx Mxxxx for the position within the company. Because of these arguments :
    Handled with many aspects of management in the wine/champagne/beer business.
    Strong relationship with the Polish system and community, decent Polish.
    Age 51, ability to process and launch a new business in a new area.
    French, ability to deal with French supermarkets.
    Seemed to have the traditional Bxxx Cxxxx Cxxx culture.

    We did not choose the 3 other participants because of these arguments :

    2 – Bxxx Pxxx
    His education background will deserve him to operate the compagny in a new market.
    Seemed not to have the traditional Bxxx Cxxxx Cxxx culture.
    Salary expected : $65000 and commission, plus car and expenses.

    3 – Sxxx Nxxx
    Always in conflict with his company 's decisions.
    Do not have any relationship with the Spanish Culture.
    Do not want to reveal his past, especially in America.

    4 – Mxxx de la Gxxxx
    His unusual education backgroung will deserve her to process the company in a new market.
    Do not have a strong experience in management.
    Do not speak very well Polish.

    Our team will have to return to the pleanary session of the Bxxx Cxxx Selection Committee to explain the reason for our ranking of all applicants.We should also be able to defend our selection procedure and our choices, within the framework of the Bxxx Cxxxx Cxxx culture.

    Thanks for your attention.

    Modifié par bridg le 04-11-2010 01:12

    Modifié par lucile83 le 04-11-2010 07:47


    Réponse: Correction /report de anne40, postée le 03-11-2010 à 23:56:15 (S | E)
    trop dur pour moi
    mais j'ai trouvé une faute de frappe: our group has been

    Et je me demande ceci:
    -est-ce que position est le mot le plus courant (pour poste de travail) ?
    -même question pour process ?

    Moi, j'écrirais
    We chosed chose... for his position ... .
    Seems .../Doesn't seem to have the.... .
    Didn't reveal... ./ Refused to reveal ...

    (sans garantie)

    Modifié par lucile83 le 04-11-2010 07:49
    C'est très gentil de vouloir aider, mais attention à ne pas rajouter de fautes.

    Réponse: Correction /report de gerondif, postée le 03-11-2010 à 23:59:46 (S | E)


    To: Mrxxx
    From : TM
    Date : November 3, 2010
    Re : Exercice about a Recruitment Decision October 21, 2010.

    Using the CEConsulting and Recruiting report, our group has beed designed to carry out a recruitment decision. This position will have to deal with a new market in CE. And so, we have assessed the four candidates.

    We have chosen SM for the position within the company. Because of these arguments :
    Handled with many aspects of management in the wine/champagne/beer business.
    Strong relationship with the Polish system and community, decent Polish.
    Age 51, ability to process and launch a new business in a new area.
    French, ability to deal with French supermarkets.
    Seemed to have the traditional BCCculture.

    We did not choose the 3 other participants because of these arguments :

    2 – BP
    His education background will deserve him to operate the compagny in a new market.
    Seemed not to have the traditional BCC culture.
    Salary expected : $65000 and commission, plus car and expenses.

    3 – SN
    Always in conflict with his company 's decisions.
    Do(3ème personne) not have any relationship with the Spanish Culture.
    Do not want to reveal his past, especially in America.

    4 – MDLG
    His (mXXX est une femme)unusual education backgroung will deserve(=mériter) her to process the company in a new market.
    Do not have a strong experience in management.
    Do not speak Polish very well.

    Our team will have to return to the pleanary session of the BCS Committee to explain the reasons for our ranking of all applicants.We should also be able to defend our selection procedure and our choices, within the framework of the BC company.
    Modifié par bridg le 04-11-2010 10:22
    Anonymat, remis

    Réponse: Correction /report de lepingouin, postée le 04-11-2010 à 00:08:59 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup à tous deux! Cela fait plaisir d'avoir des réponses aussi rapidement même si le texte semble long!
    Sinon Anne40, ce serait plutôt "chose"! Ah verbes irréguliers, quand tu nous tiens!

    Réponse: Correction /report de notrepere, postée le 04-11-2010 à 04:23:40 (S | E)

    One usually says "educational background".

    Such as in this example:

    "It’s important to note that some learners will find the idea of being included in the assessment process a little weird, especially if they have come from a traditional educational background."

    Lien Internet

    "...our group has been designed"

    "designed" is not the best verb choice. I think you're searching for the word "designated".

    "...our group has been designated to carry out..."

    Or since this is a more formal letter, you could also say: "...our group has been charged with carrying out..."

    The verb "charge" is used in the sense of "responsibility": The company has been charged with maintaining our computer systems. Lien Internet

    "position within the company. [pas de point] Because of these arguments ('for the following reasons' est plus courant)" = "position within the company for the following reasons:"

    Autres problèmes comme a dit gérondif.


    Réponse: Correction /report de anne40, postée le 15-11-2010 à 15:30:42 (S | E)
    (et moi qui venais de réviser les 50 verbes irréguliers de base.)

    J'ai lu à rendre pour demain, et je voulais essayer d'aider... Désolée et merci Lucile pour la correction de mon erreur.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 15-11-2010 18:42
    Pas de panique, cela arrive à tout le monde; il faut toujours se relire

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