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    Identities [aide grammaticale]

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    Identities [aide grammaticale]
    Message de chiku posté le 05-11-2010 à 19:49:25 (S | E | F)

    J'ai souvent des erreurs de syntaxe dans mes devoirs d'anglais, j'aimerais savoir si mon texte a du sens et s'il n'y a pas d'erreur. Merci d'avance à qui répondra
    La question est : Say how you think you are and how other people see you and say if you agree or disagree with their vision of you and why.

    Voici ma réponse:
    First of all I think I am impulsive because I'm used not to think before acting and sometimes it gives me troubles : on this point, my friends agree with me. Secondary, during a conflict ,I can't keep aside my pride and appologise because most of the time, I think I'm not at fault, so I can say that I am proud and stubborn. My friends didn't have the opportunity to face my fault yet so according to them I am comprehensive and nice. I also find myself shy with people I'm not used to talk with: on one hand this kind of people may have prejudices and think I am boring and I understand it because we don't have a close relation but, on the other hand my friends find me funny and exentric. I I reckon that there is a gap between the way I see myself and the way others see me because we all tend to look more attrative and open-minded to people all around us so as not to be boring and annoying to them. It could be called hypocrizy but I don't think it is. I just have the felling that we need to have 2 differents behaviours, one with friends and another with close family. It's a way to protect ourselves from troubles.

    Merci d'avoir pris le temps de me lire.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 05-11-2010 21:13

    Réponse: Identities [aide grammaticale] de violet91, postée le 05-11-2010 à 21:17:22 (S | E)
    Hello chiku,

    First of all I think I am impulsive because I'm used not( mal placé) to think(= gérondif: formulation très maladroite, malgré tout : "seldom" = rarement + prsnt simple "to think)) before acting and sometimes (to get oneself) into troubles : on this point, my friends agree with me. Secondary(impropre), during a conflict ,I can't keep aside my pride and appologise because most of the time, I think I'm not at fault(dict : "tort") so I can say that I am proud and stubborn. My friends didn't have(erreur de temps : presnt perfect) the opportunity to face my faults yet so according to them I am comprehensive(il y a mieux) and nice. I also find myself shy with people I'm not used to talk with: on one hand this kind of people may have prejudices and think I am boring and I understand it because we don't have a close relation but, on the other hand my friends find me funny and exentric. I reckon that there is a gap between the way I see myself and the way others see me because we all (à nuancer) tend to look more attrative and open-minded to people all around us so as not to be boring and annoy ing to them. It could be called hypocrizy but I don't think it is. I just have the felling that we need to have 2 differents(oh!) behaviours, one with friends and another with close family. It's a way to protect ourselves from troubles.(pas seulement : idée intéressante à creuser un peu plus).

    Pas mal parti et honnête..A suivre.

    Réponse: Identities [aide grammaticale] de chiku, postée le 05-11-2010 à 22:48:44 (S | E)
    Après quelques corrections voilà ce que ça donne :

    First of all I think I am impulsive because I am seldom used to think before acting and sometimes I get myself into troubles : on this point, my friends agree with me. Secondly, during a conflict ,I can't keep aside my pride and apologise because most of the time, I think I'm not wrong ;so I can say that I am proud and stubborn. My friends don't have the opportunity to face my faults yet so, according to them, I am understanding and nice. I also find myself shy with people I'm not used to talk with: on one hand this kind of people may have prejudices and think I am boring and I understand it because we don't have a close relationship but, on the other hand my friends find me funny and eccentric. I reckon that there is a gap between the way I see myself and the way others see me because many of us tend to look more attractive and open-minded to people all around us so as not to be boring and annoying them. It could be called hypocrisy but I don't think it is. I just have the feeling that we need to have two different behaviours, one with friends and another with close family. It's a way to protect ourselves from troubles and more precisely from the pain that could give us a failed expectation about a so-called close friend. In this case, we would at least have saved our pride because we know that this person don't know much about us in fact. There is only our close family who really knows who we are, as they know us from the beginning, they are maybe the people we should trust most.

    J'ai une autre question, je ne vais pas faire fuir ma prof d'anglais avec ça quand même ?

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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