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    Lettre de motivation

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    Lettre de motivation
    Message de lilgolondrina posté le 20-11-2010 à 18:18:31 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous !
    Voilà, je vais candidater pour passer ma troisième année de licence aux Etats Unis. J'ai rédigé ma lettre de motivation en anglais, mais certains passages me paraissent étrange... J'aurais besoin de votre aide pour corriger ça (et avoir votre avis sur le contenu ) Merci !!

    Dear Sir, dear Madam

    I am currently a second year student in communications and I would like to study in the United States of America next year. I am interested in the xxx program.

    I chose to be candidate to study for a year abroad for several reasons. I enjoy meeting people from different countries and learn about another culture. Being on my own studying in another country would help me to become more mature and independent. I have lived for five months in Spain the year after I graduated from high school, and this experience made me more confident and helped me to become motivated about my future, this is how I found out that I wanted to study media and communications. It is necessary for me to be fluent in English, in my personal life (because I really like that language and I want to be able to communicate everywhere in the world) but most importantly in my future professional life : I would like to become a journalist, and it is essential to speak English in that area.

    I chose as a destination the United States of America for two main reasons : first, I think I could learn a lot from people living there, and being far away from France could help me to be more focused on my studies. Second, I really have faith in its system of higher education, and among all the choices I have, the ISEP program is what corresponds best to my professional project. For almost a year, I have been gathering information about the program and the universities and I am determined about this project.

    Therefore, it is very important to me to be given the chance to study abroad. I realize that being accepted to be a part of the program would be an incredible chance and I hope that you will give me this great opportunity.

    Modifié par bridg le 20-11-2010 18:19

    Réponse: Lettre de motivation de notrepere, postée le 21-11-2010 à 22:15:23 (S | E)

    Overall, very very good work. There are only a few improvements that I would suggest.

    I am currently a second year student in communications and I would like to study in the United States of America next year. I am interested in the xxx program.

    I chose to be a candidate to study for a year abroad for several reasons. I enjoy meeting people from different countries and learn [gerund] about another culture. Being on my own studying in another country would help me to become more mature and independent. I have lived for five months in Spain [à mettre après le verbe 'lived'] the year after I graduated from high school, and this experience made me more confident and helped me to become motivated about my future, [point] This is how I found out that I wanted to study media and communications. It is necessary for me to be fluent in English, [pas nécessaire] in my personal life (because I really like that language and I want to be able to communicate everywhere in the world) [à supprimer les ()] but most importantly in my future professional life: I would like to become a journalist, and it is essential to speak English in that area ['field' or 'profession' est mieux].

    I chose as a destination the United States of America [à mettre après le verbe 'chose'] for two main reasons: [point] First, I think I could learn a lot from people living there, and being far away from France could help me to be more focused on my studies. Second, I really have faith in its system of higher education, and among all the choices I have, the ISEP program is what corresponds best to my professional project. For almost a year, I have been gathering information about the program and the universities and I am determined about this project.

    Therefore, it is very important to me to be given the chance to study abroad. I realize that being accepted to be a part of the program would be an incredible chance and I hope that you will give me this great opportunity.

    Réponse: Lettre de motivation de lilgolondrina, postée le 22-11-2010 à 20:40:15 (S | E)
    Thank you for your response

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