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    Lettre de motivation - Départ en échange

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    Lettre de motivation - Départ en échange
    Message de jeremy_m posté le 23-01-2011 à 00:14:27 (S | E | F)
    Bonsoir tout le monde,

    J'aimerais partir en échange universitaire cet automne et je dois réaliser une lettre de motivation en anglais.
    J'aimerais que vous me disiez ce que vous pensez de celle-ci. Veuillez excuser les quelques blancs que j'ai introduit dans celle-ci...

    The University xxx was created two hundred ago and has more than 45 000 students and above 240 000 graduate people all around the world. Its diversity and its community life are also very important. Very interested in this atmosphere, I would like to make an exchange in the University xxx.

    Presently, I am a third year student of Management in the xxx at xxx, in the Paris region in France. I have acquired a team spirit and I put a lot of myself into several projects thanks to my association involvement.
    To pursue my studies at the Université xxx represents, to my mind, a real opportunity to improve my English language. Furthermore, Canada is a country which attracts me, due to its landscape, its diversity, but also the mentality of people who live there. I would like to meet new people, other foreign students, to speak with the inhabitants and to be confronted with their way of life. In my opinion, it is also an opportunity to discover an attractive country and an other view of studies at a world-recognized school in Canada.

    I would be delighted to see the aspects of this country in the Université xxx. Moreover, The DESS entitled “xxx” is also very attractive. In fact, I am interested in all that concerns Information and Communication technologies.

    Yours sincerly,
    Modifié par bridg le 23-01-2011 08:25

    Modifié par lucile83 le 23-01-2011 09:41
    anonymat en gris, pas en rouge.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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