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    Help! job interview soon

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    Help! job interview soon
    Message de spacimen posté le 06-02-2011 à 10:51:03 (S | E | F)

    I will have in a few days an interview for a job. The company is looking for a salesman in a jewelry. I'm very stressed because my English isn't so good, I make a lot of mistakes when I speak and I lack vocabulary.
    I want to prepare myself and if someone can correct my speech it would be fantastic.
    I expect they want me to introduce myself and talk about my qualities and skills.

    I have worked in a jewelry in xxx for almost four years know. I was before that, in a jewelry on the french side of xxxx (carribean island) so i was used to deal with foreign tourists from everywhere in the world but at most with american customers.
    I studied jewelry handcrafting during one year then i a got my certificate. These studies help me to know how a jewel is produce and the reparing process. I know about precious stone because i'm also qualified in gemmology.
    I'm interested on computer, i can use Office software, I surf easily on the web.
    My last positions allowed me to manage different tasks like stocks carries, special ordering, make the show-cases decoration.
    I always keep the goal to get new customers, satisfy them and gain their loyalty. I pay a particular attention to receive them as good as possible and find the rightest product I can propose.
    My qualities are my listening ability and my smile.
    Likewise my knowledges about jewelry, stones and fashion are useful to advice the visitors of the store.

    (the brand of the compagny)
    I love the brand because this is a strong Italian signature. The brand image is glamour, this is a stylish and sophisticate design. I would be glad to represent it.

    On private, i have some activities and hobbies. I'm make sport every week if I can in a fitness club. I make electronic music and I care a personal blog where i post some stuffs about music, art, cinema and many others things.

    If I set myself in Paris, i got to be happy to explore cultural places, have the possibilities of more activities, takes lessons of arabic and perfect as well my english.

    I hope it's not so catastrophic :$
    Thanks for your help

    Modifié par lucile83 le 06-02-2011 10:53
    + forum

    Réponse: Help! job interview soon de fiori, postée le 08-02-2011 à 14:24:57 (S | E)

    I have been working in a jewelry (shop?) in xxx for the past four years. previously i worked in france in xxx - carribean island, so i got used to interacting with tourists from all over most especially american.
    I studied handcraft jewelry for a year and got a certificate. these studies gave me an insight into the production and repair of jewelries. i am also a quallified gemmologist so i have some knowledge about precious stones. I am intrested in computer and have some IT skills. i can use the office software ans surf the web easily. My last occupation presented me with tasks such as (stock carries?), special ordering, and showcase decorations. I am always motivated to attend to new customers, satisfy them, and gain their loyalty. my interpersonal skills include effective communication and negotiation. My knowledge in precious stones will also enable me to provide the customers with good advice on their products.
    i would like to work with this company because it it has a strong italian brand name, which i respect and admire. The brand is very glamarous, flashy yet sophisticated. it would be my pleasure to be able to resprent it. along side i have other hobbies which include sports, and weekly visit to the fitness club. i make electronic music, and have a personal blog where i post information about music, art, cinema, etc.
    (If I set myself in Paris, i got to be happy to explore cultural places, have the possibilities of more activities, takes lessons of arabic and perfect as well my english.) <--i don't understand what you are trying to say here.

    Overall your interview looks really good. just go in there with self confidence, believe in yourself and you would do great!

    J'espère que vous avez vous avoir aidé

    Zia x
    Modifié par lucile83 le 08-02-2011 14:29
    Couleur du texte +
    Please write 'I', not 'i'...

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