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    Cover letter /correction

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    Cover letter /correction
    Message de domisyl posté le 11-02-2011 à 17:52:58 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous,

    Je viens de terminer ma thèse en chimie organique et je cherche un post-doctorat dans un pays anglo-saxon (Canada, USA, UK,...).

    Voici ma lettre de motivation en anglais, je l'ai fait corriger par des connaissances professionnelles mais je souhaiterais avoir l'avis d'autres personnes, concernant l'anglais mais également la pertinence des phrases.

    Merci beaucoup par avance


    It's a great pleasure to have a chance to write to you. I have come to know of you through your worthy articles. I am writing this letter to inquire about research fellowship opportunity in your research laboratory.

    I graduated from xxxxx in the laboratory of Dr xxx under supervision of Pr xxxx. My Ph. D. research, being done focuses on the reduction of pyridines for the synthesis of chiral building-blocks and also development of new peptidomimetics based on the imidazole motif. During previous training periods, I had the opportunity to work on different projects and I gained strong experience in various fields of organic synthesis as describe in my resume.

    I now wish to pursue my professional career in the field of organic chemistry and I feel motivated in gaining a strong experience in total synthesis where rigour and discipline are required. Moreover, I feel ready to pursue my interests outside France by integrating an international work environment in order to improve my English language skills and to have a first overview of the English culture.

    Being well aware of your outstanding academic accomplishments, I would greatly appreciate if you provided me with an opportunity to work as a research fellow under your supervision. Enclosed is my curriculum vitae for your close review. Prof. xxxxxxxxx has indicated that he would be happy to provide information about my qualifications and progress at any time.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you very much in anticipation for your consideration.

    Sincerely yours

    Modifié par lucile83 le 11-02-2011 19:04

    Réponse: Cover letter /correction de notrepere, postée le 11-02-2011 à 19:11:34 (S | E)

    It's a great pleasure to have a chance to write to you. I have come to know of you through your worthy articles. I am writing this letter to inquire about a research fellowship opportunity in your research laboratory.

    I graduated from xxxxx in the laboratory of Dr xxx under the supervision of Pr xxxx. My current Ph. D. research, being done focuses on the reduction of pyridines for the synthesis of chiral building-blocks and also the development of new peptidomimetics based on the imidazole motif. During previous training periods, I had the opportunity to work on different projects and I gained strong [A mon avis, pas le meilleur choix: 'significant' vaut mieux] experience in various fields ['aspects' vaut mieux à mon avis] of organic synthesis as described in my résumé.

    I now wish to pursue my a professional career in the field of organic chemistry and I feel motivated in gaining a strong experience in total synthesis where rigour rigor and discipline are required. Moreover, I feel ready to pursue my interests outside France by integrating an international work environment in order to improve my English language skills and to have a first overview of the English culture.

    Being well aware of your outstanding academic accomplishments, I would greatly appreciate and welcome the if you provided me with an opportunity to work as a research fellow under your supervision. Enclosed is my curriculum vitae for your close review. Prof. xxxxxxxxx has indicated that he would be happy to provide you with information about my qualifications and progress at any time.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon [Je préfère: I will look forward to your reply/I eagerly await your reply.]. Thank you very much in anticipation for your consideration.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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