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    Correction lettre de présentation

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    Correction lettre de présentation
    Message de arno79 posté le 21-02-2011 à 15:31:14 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour, l'année prochaine, je souhaite aller aux Etats-Unis durant une année scolaire et pour cela on me demande une lettre de présentation en anglais.
    Pourriez-vous me la corriger s'il vous plaît ?

    Dear host family, my name is Arnaud "......", I am French, I am 16 and I live with my parents and my two brothers.
    My father, called Jean-Marie, is a social worker while my mother, Nadine, is a nursing auxiliary.
    My first brother, Bastien, is 22 and is a student in a engineering school in Angers. He only comes back during holidays and the week end.
    My second brother, Florian, is 20 and is a student in a in Cholet.
    I live in a small town called “.....” of about 1100 inhabitants. My school is located 10 miles from my home.
    In my school, I’m in a scientific year so sometimes, I leave my home at 07:00 a.m and I come back at 07.00 p.m.
    Later, I’d like to study to be either meteorologist or something in this kind but it’s very difficult in France to become it.

    I’m obviously sociable and even very talkative if I like the person in front of me. By cons, I’m often impatient, I like getting things quickly. Mostly, my life is the give and take and I like living from hand to mouth. I’m very open to a lot of things such as changing in lifestyle totally. Moreover, I don’t really like rut, I love all the new things .
    Regarding pets, I like them because they can be fun with people !
    If necessary, I can fend for oneself in almost any situations as long as it’s not too tough. I can get along with children of all ages even if I’d rather be with those of my age. I acknowledge that I may be a little disorderly and it may be the bazaar in my room but evidently, I stow it when the need is really felt.
    Otherwise, I play basketball in a team but it’s pretty between friends. I don’t like the pressure so I don’t want to play in a higher level. At last, I almost like every sports.
    I love thrills such as amusement parks or things a little “exciting” (horror movies, coasters … )
    The weekends, I almost have a basket-ball’s match and after, the Saturday evening, I’m going to see friends and we go in disco sometimes or we stay in a house to laugh between us.

    I wish to go to the U.S.A to discover that country myself without having prejudices and make my own opinion. Of course, I’d like to have fun with a lot of new friends and at the same time, learning English. I hope to spend a great year with my host family. I want to go to the U.S.A because I think if I don’t, I may regret it several years. Also, I’d like to find out the famous “High school” whose I’ve seen in films. It completely looks different than my school in France.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 22-02-2011 17:49

    Réponse: Correction lettre de présentation de arno79, postée le 22-02-2011 à 16:31:08 (S | E)
    Up s'il vous plaît, cela est assez pressé, je dois rendre mon dossier jeudi normalement

    Modifié par lucile83 le 22-02-2011 17:50
    Chacun est libre de répondre s'il veut et quand il veut.

    Réponse: Correction lettre de présentation de peet370, postée le 23-02-2011 à 17:31:19 (S | E)

    Bonjour Arno 79

    Je vais corriger la première partie de votre texte, puis, les autres membres suivront cette correction si ils le désirent.

    Dear host family,

    My name is Arnaud '......', I am French, I am 16 and I live with my parents and my two brothers.
    My father, called Jean-Marie, is a social worker while my mother, Nadine, is a nursing auxiliary.
    My first brother, Bastien, is 22 and is a student in a (Il manque une lettre) engineering school in Angers. He only comes back during holidays and the weekend.
    My second brother, Florian, is 20 and is a student in a ... (Il doit manquer quelque chose) in Cholet.
    I live in a small town called “.....” of about 1100 inhabitants. My school is located 10 miles from my home.
    In my school, I’m in a scientific year, so sometimes, I leave my home at 07:00 a.m and I come back at 07.00 p.m.
    Later, I’d like to study to be either meteorologist or something in this kind but it’s very difficult in France to become it.


    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons


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