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    Scrambled words '104'

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    Scrambled words '104'
    Message de marit64 posté le 23-03-2011 à 21:19:03 (S | E | F)

    Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

    1- Not able to feel or move. ..... (mnbu)
    2- Senseless, or stunned, for instance, because of an accident. ..... (nnissooccuu)
    3- A written composition. ..... (aeyss)
    4- To speak (words) in such a way that they are difficult to hear. ..... (luembm)
    5- Unable to tell the difference between certain colours. ..... (uicdrl-oonlb)
    6- A kind of cereal. ..... (yer)
    7- A synonym of "complicated". ..... (ttiienrac)
    8- Thinking of one's pleasure or good and not considering other people. ..... (fessihl)
    9- A type of trousers or suit made of hard-wearing materials worn usually over ordinary clothes by workmen etc to protect them from dirt etc. ..... (rsvlolae)
    10- A small hollow made by pressure or a blow on a car. ..... (ndte)

    Good luck and have fun!

    So long

    Réponse: Scrambled words '104' de headway, postée le 23-03-2011 à 21:27:52 (S | E)
    back Marit!!!!!

    1- Not able to feel or move. ..... (mnbu)Numb.
    2- Senseless, or stunned, for instance, because of an accident. ..... (nnissooccuu)Inconscious.
    3- A written composition. ..... (aeyss)Essay.
    4- To speak (words) in such a way that they are difficult to hear. ..... (luembm)Mumble.
    5- Unable to tell the difference between certain colours. ..... (uicdrl-oonlb)Colour-blind.
    6- A kind of cereal. ..... (yer)Rye.
    7- A synonym of "complicated". ..... (ttiienrac)Intricate.
    8- Thinking of one's pleasure or good and not considering other people. ..... (fessihl)Selfish.
    9- A type of trousers or suit made of hard-wearing materials worn usually over ordinary clothes by workmen etc to protect them from dirt etc. ..... (rsvlolae)Overalls.
    10- A small hollow made by pressure or a blow on a car. ..... (ndte)Dent.

    Roll on next week for new words to unscramble.

    Have a great week!


    Réponse: Scrambled words '104' de flowermusic, postée le 23-03-2011 à 22:11:38 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    Je ne peux résister au plaisir :

    1- Not able to feel or move. ..... (mnbu) numb
    2- Senseless, or stunned, for instance, because of an accident. ..... (nnissooccuu) unconscious
    3- A written composition. ..... (aeyss) essay
    4- To speak (words) in such a way that they are difficult to hear. ..... (luembm) mumble
    5- Unable to tell the difference between certain colours. ..... (uicdrl-oonlb) color-blind
    6- A kind of cereal. ..... (yer) rye
    7- A synonym of "complicated". ..... (ttiienrac) intricate
    8- Thinking of one's pleasure or good and not considering other people. ..... (fessihl) selfish
    9- A type of trousers or suit made of hard-wearing materials worn usually over ordinary clothes by workmen etc to protect them from dirt etc. ..... (rsvlolae) overalls
    10- A small hollow made by pressure or a blow on a car. ..... (ndte) dent

    Have a nice day

    Réponse: Scrambled words '104' de laila, postée le 24-03-2011 à 00:16:49 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    1- Not able to feel or move. Numb (mnbu)
    2- Senseless, or stunned, for instance, because of an accident. Unconscious (nnissooccuu)
    3- A written composition. essay (aeyss)
    4- To speak (words) in such a way that they are difficult to hear. mumble (luembm)
    5- Unable to tell the difference between certain colours. color blind (uicdrl-oonlb)
    6- A kind of cereal. rye (yer)
    7- A synonym of "complicated". intricate (ttiienrac)
    8- Thinking of one's pleasure or good and not considering other people. selfish (fessihl)
    9- A type of trousers or suit made of hard-wearing materials worn usually over ordinary clothes by workmen etc to protect them from dirt etc. overalls (rsvlolae)
    10- A small hollow made by pressure or a blow on a car. dent (ndte)
    Thank you Marit for this activity

    Réponse: Scrambled words '104' de dolfine56, postée le 24-03-2011 à 09:14:22 (S | E)
    Hi, dear Marit, how are you?
    here,it's a springlike weather...

    1- Not able to feel or move. ..... (mnbu)numb
    2- Senseless, or stunned, for instance, because of an accident. ..... (nnissooccuu)unconscious
    3- A written composition. ..... (aeyss)essay
    4- To speak (words) in such a way that they are difficult to hear. ..... (luembm)to mumble
    5- Unable to tell the difference between certain colours. ..... (uicdrl-oonlb)colour-blind
    6- A kind of cereal. ..... (yer)rye
    7- A synonym of "complicated". ..... (ttiienrac)intricate
    8- Thinking of one's pleasure or good and not considering other people. ..... (fessihl)selfish
    9- A type of trousers or suit made of hard-wearing materials worn usually over ordinary clothes by workmen etc to protect them from dirt etc. ..... (rsvlolae)overalls
    10- A small hollow made by pressure or a blow on a car. ..... (ndte)dent

    Have a nice time and weather

    Réponse: Scrambled words '104' de eos17, postée le 24-03-2011 à 10:49:54 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    for this new exercise
    4-To mumble
    Have a nice week .

    Réponse: Scrambled words '104' de nina80, postée le 24-03-2011 à 16:16:56 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    1 - numb
    2 - unconscious
    3 - essay
    4 - mumble
    5 - colour-blind
    6 - rye
    7 - intricate
    8 - selfish
    9 - overalls
    10- dent
    -See you next week.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '104' de elisa21, postée le 28-03-2011 à 20:29:32 (S | E)
    dear Marit

    1- Not able to feel or move. numb
    2- Senseless, or stunned, for instance, because of an accident. unconscious
    3- A written composition. an essay
    4- To speak (words) in such a way that they are difficult to hear. to mumble
    5- Unable to tell the difference between certain colours. colour-blind
    6- A kind of cereal. a rye
    7- A synonym of "complicated". intricate
    8- Thinking of one's pleasure or good and not considering other people. selfish
    9- A type of trousers or suit made of hard-wearing materials worn usually over ordinary clothes by workmen etc to protect them from dirt etc. overalls
    10- A small hollow made by pressure or a blow on a car. a dent

    for this new one. Have a nice week.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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