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    Correction/Study Plan

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    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Correction/Study Plan
    Message de joannaly posté le 25-03-2011 à 18:33:00 (S | E | F)

    Je suis actuellement étudiante en Japonais et, si tout se passe bien, je pars étudier au Japon pendant un an.
    Pour compléter mon dossier de mobilité, il m'a fallu écrire un study plan (lettre de motivation, en gros)en anglais.
    Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait la gentillesse, et surtout le temps, de le corriger ?

    Le voici :

    I am learning Japanese language 8 hours per week including oral, grammar, kanji and writing expression. One of my favorite course is the kanji and writing class. Indeed, I am keen on Japanese writing. Moreover, writing is an effective technique to remember kanji. Concerning oral classes, it's interesting but I don't practice enough. Besides language courses, I also learn about Japanese culture. During two hours, I have a Japanese art history class which is about painting, temple, sanctuary and house's architecture, sculpture. I have another class about literature during which I learn about the first Japanese books. I even read a few original texts with my teacher. The history class which last one hour and a half per week, is one of the most interesting course since I learn everything about Japan history from the period of Jomon. Finally, I study one hour and a half per week about Japanese society from a sociological point of view. All of these field of study complement that of the language and it allowed me to gain a basic knowledge about different aspects of Japan's culture.
    As a Japanese language and civilization course student, I wish to study in Japan in order to learn the language while immersed in the Japanese society.
    One of the reason I chose Kumamoto university is that it comes up to my expectations. This is a serious follow up on work and I think it is a good thing because I really want to improve. But I also wish to discover a lot about different places in Japan and your university offers cultural trips. This is another point which made me chose Kumamoto because I think that to achieve this stay in Japan it is important to travel within the country and interact with people from different places to understand what makes this culture so special. This would make me know more about Japanese culture which I need to work later in cultural exchange or relation between Japan and France. I really wish to develop good relation between them because I both love these countries. Besides, a few of my friends went to Kumamoto and they spoke very highly of Kumamoto city and university.
    Once in Kumamoto, I really wish to take part in university life in participating in various clubs. Thus, I could completely discover cultural activities proposed and broaden my knowledge in this field. I also intend to travel, if I can afford it, within Japan. Like many of my comrades will be in Japan at the same time we thought we could meet throughout the year. Thus, it will allow me to discover Hirosaki, Iwate, Niigata and of course Tokyo. If it's possible I wish to return to Osaka where I first discover Japan during two weeks last year. Indeed, I would like to see my host family again. At that time I would also like to visit Kyoto and Nara again. All of these travels would allow me to get a greater knowledge about Japan which is necessary to work in the cultural exchange with France.

    La partie 2 au prochain post

    Merci d'avance

    Modifié par lucile83 le 25-03-2011 18:38
    titre+ forum

    Réponse: Correction/Study Plan de joannaly, postée le 25-03-2011 à 18:35:31 (S | E)
    Re bonjour,

    Voici la suite de mon study plan !
    Oui, il est long mais il faut bien que je montre que je suis motivée

    Of course I will work hard to progress in Japanese language and writing. Moreover, I want to try passing the JLPT N2 during this year in Japan. As the JLPT is a test recognized worldwide, I believe it is necessary for me to reach a high level in Japanese which will allow me to use both my knowledge about Japanese culture and my Japanese skills to work in the development of relation between France and Japan.
    Learning more and more things about Japan through different classes can only be an asset that will help me achieve my goal of developing cultural relations between two cultures I appreciate.
    Besides, I have heard about the possibility of giving French classes at Kumamoto University.
    If there is any possibility for me to assist people that are learning French, I would gladly apply because I think that it is a good experience and it may bring me much. Moreover, I would already contribute to the exchange between our two countries.
    Work in Japan and contribute to exchange with France or, work in France to exchange with Japan I agree with both of it. I think that my experience and my education will be a real asset to find a job in this field later in life. I don't know if I can graduate during my year at Kumamoto university or if I must graduate at my home university in Bordeaux.
    However, once back in France, I think I will study economy, law, international relations which are necessary to have a comprehensive training course. Thereby, I will be able to apply in an embassy or cultural center.

    Merci encore

    Réponse: Correction/Study Plan de gerondif, postée le 25-03-2011 à 19:04:13 (S | E)
    vous oubliez des pluriels !

    I am learning the Japanese language (ou Japanese tout seul) 8 hours per week (a week) including oral, grammar, kanji and writing expression (writing ou written?). One of my favorite courses is the kanji and writing class. Indeed, I am keen on Japanese writing. Moreover, writing is an effective technique to remember kanji. Concerning oral classes, it's interesting but I don't practice enough. Besides language courses, I also learn about Japanese culture. During(for) two hours, I have a Japanese art history class which is about painting(ce serait mieux de mettre ici two hours a week" que de commencer par "for two hours"), temple, sanctuary and house's architecture, sculpture. I have another class about literature during which I learn about the first Japanese books. I even read a few original texts with my teacher. The history class which last(3ème personne présent simple = S) one hour and a half per week, is one of the most interesting courses since I learn everything about Japan history from the period of Jomon. Finally, I study one hour and a half per week about Japanese society from a sociological point of view. All of these fields of study complement that of the language and it allowed me to gain a basic knowledge about different aspects of Japan's culture.
    As a Japanese language and civilization course student, I wish to study in Japan in order to learn the language while immersed in the Japanese society.
    One of the reasons I chose Kumamoto university is that it comes up to my expectations. This is a serious follow up on work and I think it is a good thing because I really want to improve. But I also wish to discover a lot about different places in Japan and your university offers cultural trips. This is another point which made me chose Kumamoto because I think that to achieve this stay in Japan it is important to travel within the country and interact with people from different places to understand what makes this culture so special. This would make me know more about Japanese culture which I need to work later in cultural exchanges or relations between Japan and France. I really wish to develop a good relationship between them because I love both these countries. Besides, a few (some) of my friends went to Kumamoto and they spoke very highly of Kumamoto city and university.
    Once in Kumamoto, I really wish to take part in university life (and participate, pour éviter deux in de suite)in participating in various clubs. Thus, I could completely discover cultural activities proposed and broaden my knowledge in this field. I also intend to travel, if I can afford it, within Japan. Like(comme au sens de puisque deux lettres, ça commence par a) many of my comrades will be in Japan at the same time we thought we could meet throughout the year. Thus, it will allow me to discover Hirosaki, Iwate, Niigata and of course Tokyo. If it's possible I wish to return to Osaka where I first discover(prétérit) Japan during two weeks last year. Indeed, I would like to see my host family again. At that time I would also like to visit Kyoto and Nara again. All of these travels would allow me to get a greater knowledge about Japan which is necessary to work in the cultural exchange with France.

    Réponse: Correction/Study Plan de gerondif, postée le 25-03-2011 à 19:10:41 (S | E)

    Of course I will work hard to progress in Japanese language and writing. Moreover, I want (try and correct this !) to try passing(to take an exam, to sit for an exam, se présenter, to pass an exam, le réussir) the JLPT N2 during this year in Japan. As the JLPT is a test recognized worldwide, I believe it is necessary for me to reach a high level in Japanese which will allow me to use both my knowledge about Japanese culture and my Japanese skills to work in the development of relation(pluriel) between France and Japan.
    Learning more and more things about Japan through different classes can only be an asset that will help me achieve my goal of developing cultural relations between two cultures I appreciate.
    Besides, I have heard about the possibility of giving French classes at Kumamoto University.
    If there is any possibility for me to assist people that are learning French, I would gladly apply because I think that it is a good experience and it may bring me much. Moreover, I would already(ce n'est peut-être pas le bon "déjà")(It would be a good start( a first step) in my contribution to....) contribute to the exchange between our two countries.
    Work in Japan and contribute to exchange with France or, work in France to exchange with Japan I agree with both of it(construction maladroite, ces infinitfs en début de phrase font bizarre). I think that my experience and my education will be a real asset to find a job in this field later in life. I don't know if I can graduate during my year at Kumamoto university or if I must graduate at my home university in Bordeaux.
    However, once back in France, I think I will study economy, law, international relations which are necessary to have a comprehensive training course. Thereby, I will be able to apply in an embassy or a cultural center.

    je n'ai pas touché au style, juste aux petites erreurs que j'ai pu déceler.

    Réponse: Correction/Study Plan de joannaly, postée le 26-03-2011 à 11:27:09 (S | E)

    Merci beaucoup pour cette correction rapide et claire.

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