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    Scrambled words '107'

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    Scrambled words '107'
    Message de marit64 posté le 13-04-2011 à 22:18:27 (S | E | F)

    Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

    1- A synonym of "sad or depressed". ..... (mogyol)
    2- The area of land that a person can look at all at the same time. ..... (sledaacpn)
    3- Unable to pay one's debts. ..... (pkbrtnua)
    4- A hole in a tyre. ..... (tpruecnu)
    5- A line of bushes etc planted so closely together that their branches form a solid mass, grown round the edges of gardens, fields etc. ..... (deegh)
    6- A female goat. ..... (gynnnt-aao)
    7- Below the surface of the ground. ..... (nnddrruugoe)
    8- An object displayed publicly in a museum etc. ..... (hteixbi)
    9- A kind of hard, usually highly polished stone, cold to the touch. ..... (labmer)
    10- The act of giving birth to a child. ..... (dchhrliibt)

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Réponse: Scrambled words '107' de flowermusic, postée le 13-04-2011 à 23:49:30 (S | E)
    Hello Marit, my dear postlady

    1- A synonym of "sad or depressed". ..... (mogyol) gloomy
    2- The area of land that a person can look at all at the same time. ..... (sledaacpn) landscape
    3- Unable to pay one's debts. ..... (pkbrtnua) bankrupt
    4- A hole in a tyre. ..... (tpruecnu) puncture
    5- A line of bushes etc planted so closely together that their branches form a solid mass, grown round the edges of gardens, fields etc. ..... (deegh) hedge
    6- A female goat. ..... (gynnnt-aao) nanny-goat
    7- Below the surface of the ground. ..... (nnddrruugoe) underground
    8- An object displayed publicly in a museum etc. ..... (hteixbi) exhibit
    9- A kind of hard, usually highly polished stone, cold to the touch. ..... (labmer) marble
    10- The act of giving birth to a child. ..... (dchhrliibt) childbirth

    number 6 was very funny.
    As soon as I received the new one ....
    Have a good week

    Réponse: Scrambled words '107' de headway, postée le 14-04-2011 à 08:04:58 (S | E)
    Hello there,

    1- A synonym of "sad or depressed". ..... (mogyol)Gloomy.
    2- The area of land that a person can look at all at the same time. ..... (sledaacpn)Landscape.
    3- Unable to pay one's debts. ..... (pkbrtnua)Bankrupt.
    4- A hole in a tyre. ..... (tpruecnu)Puncture.
    5- A line of bushes etc planted so closely together that their branches form a solid mass, grown round the edges of gardens, fields etc. ..... (deegh)Hedge.
    6- A female goat. ..... (gynnnt-aao)Nanny goat.
    7- Below the surface of the ground. ..... (nnddrruugoe)Underground.
    8- An object displayed publicly in a museum etc. ..... (hteixbi)Exhibit.
    9- A kind of hard, usually highly polished stone, cold to the touch. ..... (labmer)Marble.
    10- The act of giving birth to a child. ..... (dchhrliibt)Childbirth.

    Roll on next week!


    Réponse: Scrambled words '107' de dolfine56, postée le 14-04-2011 à 10:03:46 (S | E)
    Hello dear marit,
    Thanks for this new one.

    1- A synonym of "sad or depressed". ..... (mogyol)gloomy
    2- The area of land that a person can look at all at the same time. ..... (sledaacpn)landscape
    3- Unable to pay one's debts. ..... (pkbrtnua)bankrupt
    4- A hole in a tyre. ..... (tpruecnu)a puncture
    5- A line of bushes etc planted so closely together that their branches form a solid mass, grown round the edges of gardens, fields etc. ..... (deegh)hedge
    6- A female goat. ..... (gynnnt-aao) nanny-goat
    7- Below the surface of the ground. ..... (nnddrruugoe)underground
    8- An object displayed publicly in a museum etc. ..... (hteixbi)exhibit
    9- A kind of hard, usually highly polished stone, cold to the touch. ..... (labmer)marble
    10- The act of giving birth to a child. ..... (dchhrliibt)childbirth

    Have a nice week, dear marit, see you on Wednesday.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '107' de eos17, postée le 14-04-2011 à 14:46:57 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    Here my words !

    Have a great week .

    Modifié par eos17 le 14-04-2011 17:54

    Réponse: Scrambled words '107' de nina80, postée le 14-04-2011 à 19:09:11 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    1 - gloomy
    2 - landscape
    3 - bankrupt
    4 - puncture
    5 - hedge
    6 - nanny-goat
    7 - underground
    8 - exhibit
    9 - marble
    10- childbirth

    Réponse: Scrambled words '107' de elisa21, postée le 14-04-2011 à 19:36:47 (S | E)

    Hello dear Marit

    1- A synonym of "sad or depressed". gloomy
    2- The area of land that a person can look at all at the same time. landscape
    3- Unable to pay one's debts. bankrupt
    4- A hole in a tyre. puncture
    5- A line of bushes etc planted so closely together that their branches form a solid mass, grown round the edges of gardens, fields etc. hedge
    6- A female goat. nanny-goat
    7- Below the surface of the ground. underground
    8- An object displayed publicly in a museum etc. exhibit
    9- A kind of hard, usually highly polished stone, cold to the touch. marble
    10- The act of giving birth to a child. childbirth

    ...Marit. Have a nice week.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '107' de laila, postée le 15-04-2011 à 00:07:50 (S | E)
    1- A synonym of "sad or depressed". gloomy (mogyol)
    2- The area of land that a person can look at all at the same time. landscape(sledaacpn)
    3- Unable to pay one's debts. Bankrupt (pkbrtnua)
    4- A hole in a tyre. puncture (tpruecnu)
    5- A line of bushes etc planted so closely together that their branches form a solid mass, grown round the edges of gardens, fields etc. hedge (deegh)
    6- A female goat. nanny-goat (gynnnt-aao)
    7- Below the surface of the ground. underground (nnddrruugoe)
    8- An object displayed publicly in a museum etc. exhibit (hteixbi)
    9- A kind of hard, usually highly polished stone, cold to the touch. marble (labmer)
    10- The act of giving birth to a child. childbirth (dchhrliibt)
    Have a nice week

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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