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    Scrambled words '108'

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    Scrambled words '108'
    Message de marit64 posté le 20-04-2011 à 22:35:35 (S | E | F)

    Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

    1- A small two-wheeled carriage pulled by a man, especially in Japan. ..... (kwihracs)
    2- The opposite of "perfect". ..... (fiptmrcee)
    3- To make or become sad. ..... (ndsdae)
    4- To flow slowly. ..... (zoeo)
    5- Not honest. ..... (htndssoie)
    6- The things in a house etc such as tables, chairs, beds etc. ..... (neftiuurr)
    7- A hard, sharp point sticking out from the stem of certain plants. ..... (rhnot)
    8- An instrument with a rough surface on which cheese, vegetables etc can be grated. ..... (trrgea)
    9- Any of several types of usually small, four-footed reptile. ..... (rlzdia)
    10- An injury caused by a blow or a fruit, turning the skin a dark colour. ..... (sribeu)

    Good luck and have fun!

    Happy Easter to everyone!

    P.S. Could you imagine, we're on April 20 and we have one more snowstorm in Quebec. Enough is enough, isn't it?

    Réponse: Scrambled words '108' de flowermusic, postée le 20-04-2011 à 23:31:27 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    Thank you for the new one.

    That's my try

    1- A small two-wheeled carriage pulled by a man, especially in Japan. ..... (kwihracs) rickshaw
    2- The opposite of "perfect". ..... (fiptmrcee) imperfect
    3- To make or become sad. ..... (ndsdae) sadden
    4- To flow slowly. ..... (zoeo) ooze
    5- Not honest. ..... (htndssoie) dishonest
    6- The things in a house etc such as tables, chairs, beds etc. ..... (neftiuurr) furniture
    7- A hard, sharp point sticking out from the stem of certain plants. ..... (rhnot) thorn
    8- An instrument with a rough surface on which cheese, vegetables etc can be grated. ..... (trrgea) grater
    9- Any of several types of usually small, four-footed reptile. ..... (rlzdia) lizard
    10- An injury caused by a blow or a fruit, turning the skin a dark colour. ..... (sribeu) bruise

    See you soon

    Réponse: Scrambled words '108' de headway, postée le 21-04-2011 à 08:28:50 (S | E)
    Hello there,

    1- A small two-wheeled carriage pulled by a man, especially in Japan. ..... (kwihracs)Rickshaw.
    2- The opposite of "perfect". ..... (fiptmrcee)Imperfect.
    3- To make or become sad. ..... (ndsdae)Sadden.
    4- To flow slowly. ..... (zoeo)To ooze.
    5- Not honest. ..... (htndssoie)Dishonest.
    6- The things in a house etc such as tables, chairs, beds etc. ..... (neftiuurr)Furniture.
    7- A hard, sharp point sticking out from the stem of certain plants. ..... (rhnot)Thorn.
    8- An instrument with a rough surface on which cheese, vegetables etc can be grated. ..... (trrgea)Grater.
    9- Any of several types of usually small, four-footed reptile. ..... (rlzdia)Lizard.
    10- An injury caused by a blow or a fruit, turning the skin a dark colour. ..... (sribeu)

    Have a Happy Easter weekend.


    Réponse: Scrambled words '108' de dolfine56, postée le 21-04-2011 à 09:42:32 (S | E)
    Hi, dear Marit,
    We can imagine you are fed up with the snowstorms ,and are waiting for a best weather .Don't give up, it'll come soon.

    1- A small two-wheeled carriage pulled by a man, especially in Japan. ..... (kwihracs)a rickshaw
    2- The opposite of "perfect". ..... (fiptmrcee)imperfect
    3- To make or become sad. ..... (ndsdae)to sadden
    4- To flow slowly. ..... (zoeo)to ooze
    5- Not honest. ..... (htndssoie)dishonest
    6- The things in a house etc such as tables, chairs, beds etc. ..... (neftiuurr)furniture
    7- A hard, sharp point sticking out from the stem of certain plants. ..... (rhnot)a thorn
    8- An instrument with a rough surface on which cheese, vegetables etc can be grated. ..... (trrgea)a grater
    9- Any of several types of usually small, four-footed reptile. ..... (rlzdia)a lizard
    10- An injury caused by a blow or a fruit, turning the skin a dark colour. ..... (sribeu)a bruise

    Thanks a lot, dear Marit, and enjoy these Easter hollydays.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '108' de eos17, postée le 21-04-2011 à 11:35:39 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    Here my words :
    3-To sadden
    4-To ooze
    10 -Bruise
    Happy Easter ! See you soon .

    Réponse: Scrambled words '108' de nina80, postée le 21-04-2011 à 19:01:09 (S | E)
    hello dear Marit,

    1 - rickshaw
    2 - imperfect
    3 - to sadden
    4 - to ooze
    5 - dishonest
    6 - furniture
    7 - thorn
    8 - grater
    9 - lizard
    10- bruise

    Merci Marit, Joyeuses Pâques.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons


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