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    Correction/bilan professionnel

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    Correction/bilan professionnel
    Message de angelenaeco posté le 13-06-2011 à 19:48:05 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à vous tous,

    Pour la fin de l'année, je dois rendre une page en anglais pour faire le bilan de mes 2 années en entreprise.
    J'ai pas mal de lacunes en anglais alors je voudrais savoir s'il y a de grosses fautes que je puisse éviter.
    Je vous remercie d'avance.

    " xxx is a company of installation and maintenance of information and energy systems and networks. This company has accommodated for two years. I was given various tasks which related the customer relations.

    The first mission, it was to improve client-follow up and concerns. My objective was to update the databases of the company. I had to update three databases: one which concerned customers, an other which concerned calls for tenders and the last one which concerned references of the company. I used Internet to find information on the local authority. In fact, to collect commune information, I was directly on the commune website and when i didn't find i called the town hall to have information which i needed. Moreover, I made some search in stored data. I also used the xxx's intranet.

    My second mission was the new customer prospecting and to research the future land settlement project. In fact, I could take part in many trade shows where I was able to meet mayors and local councillors. Then, I took a meeting with them to know their needs or their future projects. Indeed, it is staying in relation with our customers that we can be more responsive. To know the future projects, we use the press, the commune magazines or internet too.

    The last mission which is the most important was to develop communications mediums between the company and the customers. Therefore, I created many sales brochure which introduce activities of the company and one other which have for subject the energy saving. I made a schedule to follow up customers, what allowed me to keep in touch with them.

    I haven't had quantitative objectives since I began in xxx because my tasks have been really varied. I had problems above all at the beginning because I didn't know specific language of the activity. I had to learn the sequences of the affairs and procedure of calls for tenders. The persons who have worked with me helped me a lot of for adapt me.

    This internship game me in maturity and self-confidence. In fact, I made your own way because I hadn't instructions very much and my manager has been often busy. For two years, I learnt many things. The apprenticeship allowed to have a global view on a corporate environment. I could to improve my technical knowledge in particular on "Office" software and communication software like "In Design".

    To finish, I think that this internship will be a springboard to continue my studies in apprenticeship.

    MERCI PASSEZ UNE BONNE JOURNEE Merci et passez une bonne journée.
    Modifié par lucile83 le 13-06-2011 20:03

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