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    Scrambled words '129'

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    Scrambled words '129'
    Message de marit64 posté le 15-09-2011 à 21:54:26 (S | E | F)

    I'm sorry for the delay because I was on a trip yesterday and I had completely forgotten to advise you last week. I sincerely need your pardon...

    Now, it's time to work.

    Unscrambled the words to find the right answer.

    1- An American word meaning a shop which sells various articles (cosmetics, newspapers and soft drinks) as well as medicines. ..... (tdegorrsu)
    2- A serious illness caused by being in very hot sunshine for too long. ..... (knrsostue)
    3- To stop a person while she is saying or doing something, especially by saying something oneself. ..... (riettrnup)
    4- To cut with an axe, sword etc. ..... (whe)
    5- Never taking alcoholic drink. ..... (oeatltte)
    6- The yellowish thick bitter fluid in the liver. ..... (iebl)
    7- To speak severely to (a person), because he or she has done wrong. ..... (krueeb)
    8- A man whose job is to put out accidental fires or those caused deliberately as a criminal act. ..... (rminfae)
    9- To ask or ask for firmly and sharply. ..... (mdndae)
    10- A number of certain animals or birds together. ..... (okfcl)

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a nice week!

    So long

    Modifié par marit64 le 15-09-2011 22:29

    Réponse: Scrambled words '129' de brettdallen, postée le 15-09-2011 à 22:17:14 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,
    Here we go for another round.. Is that one gonna be the final KO or will I still survive? The whole universe will hold its breath to know...

    1- An American word meaning a shop which sells various articles (cosmetics, newspapers and soft drinks) as well as medicines. ..... (tdegorrsu) DRUGSTORE
    2- A serious illness caused by being in very hot sunshine for too long. ..... (knrsostue) SUNSTROKE
    3- To stop a person while she is saying or doing something, especially by saying something oneself. ..... (riettrnup) INTERRUPT
    4- To cut with an axe, sword etc. ..... (whne)HEW there's somehing wrong either with me or with you...
    5- Never taking alcoholic drink. ..... (oeatltte) TEETOTAL
    6- The yellowish thick bitter fluid in the liver. ..... (iebl) BILE
    7- To speak severely to (a person), because he or she has done wrong. ..... (krueeb) REBUKE
    8- A man whose job is to put out accidental fires or those caused deliberately as a criminal act. ..... (rminfae) FIREMAN
    9- To ask or ask for firmly and sharply. ..... (mdndae) DEMAND
    10- A number of certain animals or birds together. ..... (okfcl) FLOCK

    Except for #4 everything should be alright...
    Thank you my dear, you've made a good choice once again.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '129' de ng, postée le 15-09-2011 à 23:06:52 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit,

    1- An American word meaning a shop which sells various articles (cosmetics, newspapers and soft drinks) as well as medicines. ..... (tdegorrsu) drugstore
    2- A serious illness caused by being in very hot sunshine for too long. ..... (knrsostue) sunstroke
    3- To stop a person while she is saying or doing something, especially by saying something oneself. ..... (riettrnup) interrupt
    4- To cut with an axe, sword etc. ..... (whe) hew
    5- Never taking alcoholic drink. ..... (oeatltte)
    6- The yellowish thick bitter fluid in the liver. ..... (iebl) bile
    7- To speak severely to (a person), because he or she has done wrong. ..... (krueeb) rebuke
    8- A man whose job is to put out accidental fires or those caused deliberately as a criminal act. ..... (rminfae) fireman
    9- To ask or ask for firmly and sharply. ..... (mdndae) demand
    10- A number of certain animals or birds together. ..... (okfcl) flock

    I didn't find the number 5...
    Thanks a lot dear Marit and have a nice week !

    Réponse: Scrambled words '129' de flowermusic, postée le 16-09-2011 à 00:09:35 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit

    It is always a pleasure to discover new words. As Brettdalen said in scramble-word 128, you are an artist.

    1- An American word meaning a shop which sells various articles (cosmetics, newspapers and soft drinks) as well as medicines. ..... (tdegorrsu) drugstore
    2- A serious illness caused by being in very hot sunshine for too long. ..... (knrsostue) sunstroke
    3- To stop a person while she is saying or doing something, especially by saying something oneself. ..... (riettrnup) interrupt
    4- To cut with an axe, sword etc. ..... (whe) hew
    5- Never taking alcoholic drink. ..... (oeatltte) teetotal
    6- The yellowish thick bitter fluid in the liver. ..... (iebl) bile
    7- To speak severely to (a person), because he or she has done wrong. ..... (krueeb) rebuke
    8- A man whose job is to put out accidental fires or those caused deliberately as a criminal act. ..... (rminfae) fireman
    9- To ask or ask for firmly and sharply. ..... (mdndae) demand
    10- A number of certain animals or birds together. ..... (okfcl) flock

    Have a great week !!

    Réponse: Scrambled words '129' de headway, postée le 16-09-2011 à 08:21:31 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    Hope you had a great time

    - Drugstore.
    - Sunstroke.
    - Interrupt.
    - Hew.
    - Teetotal.
    - Bile.
    - Rebuke.
    - Fireman.
    - Demand.
    - Flock.


    Réponse: Scrambled words '129' de matou94, postée le 16-09-2011 à 13:02:34 (S | E)
    Hello marit64

    1- An American word meaning a shop which sells various articles (cosmetics, newspapers and soft drinks) as well as medicines. ..... a drugstore.
    2- A serious illness caused by being in very hot sunshine for too long. ..... a sunstroke.
    3- To stop a person while she is saying or doing something, especially by saying something oneself. interrupt.
    4- To cut with an axe, sword etc. ..... to hew.
    5- Never taking alcoholic drink. ..... teetotal.
    6- The yellowish thick bitter fluid in the liver. ..... the bile.
    7- To speak severely to (a person), because he or she has done wrong. ..... to rebuke.
    8- A man whose job is to put out accidental fires or those caused deliberately as a criminal act. ..... a fireman.
    9- To ask or ask for firmly and sharply. ..... to demand.
    10- A number of certain animals or birds together. ..... a flock.

    Thank you very much for this brainstorming. I wish you a nice week !

    Réponse: Scrambled words '129' de dolfine56, postée le 16-09-2011 à 15:08:03 (S | E)
    Hello dear marit,
    Nice to see you whatever the day!Hope the trip was very pleasant.

    1- An American word meaning a shop which sells various articles (cosmetics, newspapers and soft drinks) as well as medicines. ..... (tdegorrsu)drugstore
    2- A serious illness caused by being in very hot sunshine for too long. ..... (knrsostue)sunstroke
    3- To stop a person while she is saying or doing something, especially by saying something oneself. ..... (riettrnup)to interrupt
    4- To cut with an axe, sword etc. ..... (whe)to hew
    5- Never taking alcoholic drink. ..... (oeatltte)teetotal
    6- The yellowish thick bitter fluid in the liver. ..... (iebl)bile
    7- To speak severely to (a person), because he or she has done wrong. ..... (krueeb)to rebuke
    8- A man whose job is to put out accidental fires or those caused deliberately as a criminal act. ..... (rminfae)fireman
    9- To ask or ask for firmly and sharply. ..... (mdndae)to demand
    10- A number of certain animals or birds together. ..... (okfcl)flock

    Thanks a lot, dear Marit, enjoy that week, see you soon.
    Please, Where is that expression "teetotal" coming from?

    Réponse: Scrambled words '129' de nina80, postée le 16-09-2011 à 18:38:19 (S | E)
    Dear Marit,

    1 - drugstore
    2 - sunstroke
    3 - to interrupt
    4 - hew
    5 -
    6 - bile
    7 - to rebuke
    8 - fireman
    9 - demand
    10- flock

    Réponse: Scrambled words '129' de swan85, postée le 16-09-2011 à 20:35:03 (S | E)

    Hello Marit

    You are forgiven Marit and hope you spent a nice time.

    4/ HEW
    6/ BILE
    7/ REBUKE
    8/ FIREMAN
    9/ DEMAND
    10/ FLOCK

    Thank you and see you soon.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '129' de eos17, postée le 16-09-2011 à 21:00:13 (S | E)
    hello Marit
    for this new "scrambled words "
    1- Drugstore
    2- Sunstroke (to get a sunstroke)
    3-To interrupt
    4- Hew
    5- I don't know this word :sobriety,abstinence
    7-To rebuke
    8- Fireman
    9- To demand

    Have a nice week

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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