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    CV Australie/correction

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons || En bas

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    CV Australie/correction
    Message de yad57 posté le 17-10-2011 à 14:45:21 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous,

    je pars bientôt pour l'Australie et j'aimerais avoir de l'aide pour la correction de mon CV.
    Pour info j' ai fait des études en alternance dans le domaine de la logistique mais je compte chercher du travail plutôt dans la restauration pour m'améliorer en anglais.
    Voilà à quoi ça ressemble :

    A**** K*****

    26 years old 47 avenue *******
    Single man 77*** P*******
    Nationality: French 06********
    Working Holiday Visa ***@****pour votre sécurité, les adresses emails sont interdites sur le site, merci de communiquer par messages privés****
    – 09/11 Stock replenisher
    H****: Mxxxxx (France)
    H***** is a company of 300 employees specialized in kitchen equipment manufacturing for professional customers.
    Key responsibilities:
    • Following up the stock level of machine in order to avoid out of stock and overstock. About 100 items in a warehouse of 3000 m²
    • Placing order and following up delivery lead time. About 10 orders processed per day
    • Building up scoreboards
    Key achievements:
    • Decrease the value of stock
    • Increase the inventory turnover

    08/07 – 09/09 Logistical operators
    I**: Ennery (France)
    I*** employees about 100 people in France, there are specialized in submersible water pomp manufacturing.
    Key responsibilities:
    • Goods handling and placing in storage
    • Order picking
    • Packing
    • Inventories management
    06/06 – 09/06 Sales Agent
    MC DONALDS: Marseille (France)
    This fast food employed approximately 20 people and welcome 200 people per day on average.
    Key responsibilities
    • Processed customers’ orders
    • Prepare the sandwich
    • Clean up the room

    09/09 – 09/11 Responsable Transports Multimodales et Activités Associées
    4 years university degree in Transport management and international Logistics

    09/09 – 09/11 Technicien supérieur en méthodes et exploitation logistique
    2 years university degree in Logistics and transport operation
    AFT IFTIM/ M**** (France)
    07/04 Baccalaureat French
    French high school diploma
    Lycée Jean Moulin / F***** (France)


    French Mother tongue
    English Intermediate
    Computer skills High level of expertise: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
    Warehouse management system: AS400
    Social skills Team spirit
    Good capacity to adapt multicultural environments

    License Driving licenses
    Hobbies Sports: Soccer, footing, judo
    Reading (novel, newspaper)
    Other Volunteering with “Help Exchange” association:
    I spend 3 weeks in England for a project of ecological house building

    Modifié par lucile83 le 17-10-2011 18:16

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons


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