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    Lettre motivation/aide

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    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Lettre motivation/aide
    Message de jbboyer posté le 10-01-2012 à 02:27:55 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous et à toutes.

    Je pars vivre un an aux Etats Unis et travailler en tant que bénévole, j'ai 3 postes disponibles: assistant prof de français, assistant dans un journal ou une radio, ou animateur pour enfant.
    J'ai rédigé 3 lettres de motivation comme il me l'a été demandé mais mon anglais étant limité j'aimerais être corrigé.
    Je fais suivre dans ce message les 3 lettres différents (elles ne divergent pas beaucoup).
    Merci à tous ceux qui m'aideront.


    Currently a law student in the University Jean Monnet, I decided to come to the USA to improve my English to better integrate into the world of work.
    Working as a activity leader is a way for me to rub shoulders with both young and working outdoors. That is why I am oriented careers in animation or journalist. I worked at a recreation center last summer.
    I have both theoretical and practical knowledge that human qualities such as sense of contact with children, listening skills and team spirit. Moreover I wish to deepen my knowledge of English. I am a person to listen to others with whom one can talk and laugh, however, I know to be serious about the important moments.
    This trip will give me the essential elements (linguistic, social and cultural) for this trade. It is the desire to share an extraordinary human adventure before entering the world of work. That's why I want to share my knowledge and culture. I deeply desire to share my culture through activity interesting, interactive and varied. Particularly interested in art (photography, cinema, music) and new technologies, I would like to introduce my knowledge to children américians. From a natural dynamic and has a very good interpersonal skills, I animate group work.

    I remain at your disposal to meet and develop in front of you all my motivations. Moreover please find my resume enclosed.

    2: Currently a law student in the University Jean Monnet, I decided to come to the USA to improve my English to better integrate into the world of work.

    Working as an assistant in a radio or TV will allow me to implement all my skills but also to share my curiosity and my great general knowledge and to deepen my knowledge of English. Being very sociable, I'll know me fit in easily with the team.
    Indeed, I would creating a strong bond with the team. I am a person to listen to others with whom one can talk and laugh, however, I know to be serious about the important moments. I will be happy to incorporate an institution like yours which has the means to promote freedom expression, the culture, and the information. Having worked in the middle of the animation and education, I would like to use my skills to your institution.
    My personal qualities allow me a very good interpersonal skills, but also easily integrate a team.

    I would also like to integrate a school of journalism upon my return to France at the end of becoming a political journalist or reporter. This trip will give me the essential elements (linguistic, social and cultural) for this trade. It is the desire to share an extraordinary human adventure before entering the world of work. That's why I want to share my knowledge and culture as assistant. I desire to share my culture. Particularly interested in art (photography, cinema, music) and new technologies, I would like to introduce my knowledge.

    I remain at your disposal to meet and develop in front of you all my motivations. Moreover please find my resume enclosed.


    Currently a law student in the University Jean Monnet, I decided to come to the USA to improve my English to better integrate into the world of work.
    Working as an assistant to a French teacher will allow me to implement all my skills instruction but also to share my mother language and to deepen my knowledge of English. I know my help to make the most faithful to the teacher. Moreover, being very sociable, I would creating a strong bond with the students. I am a person to listen to others with whom one can talk and laugh, however, I know to be serious about the important moments. I will be happy to incorporate an institution like yours which has the means to promote foreign languages such as French. Having worked in the middle of the animation and education, I would like to use my skills to your institution.
    I would also like to integrate a school of journalism upon my return to France at the end of becoming a political journalist or reporter. This trip will give me the essential elements (linguistic, social and cultural) for this trade. It is the desire to share an extraordinary human adventure before entering the world of work. That's why I want to share my knowledge and culture as a teacher abroad. I deeply desire to share my culture through courses interesting, interactive and varied. Particularly interested in art (photography, cinema, music) and new technologies, I would like to introduce my knowledge to students américians.

    Comme je l'ai précisé elle sont toutes différentes.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 10-01-2012 08:57

    Réponse: Lettre motivation/aide de lucile83, postée le 22-01-2012 à 18:29:27 (S | E)
    anybody? Thanks...

    Réponse: Lettre motivation/aide de sherry48, postée le 23-01-2012 à 02:37:37 (S | E)
    Hello jbboyer. Begin by looking at these areas.
    Currently a law student in the University Jean Monnet, I decided to come to the USA to improve my English to better integrate into the world of work.
    Working as a activity leader is a way for me to rub shoulders with both young and working outdoors. That is why I am oriented * careers in animation or journalist. I worked at a recreation center last summer.
    I have both theoretical and practical knowledge that human qualities such as * sense of contact with children, listening skills and team spirit. Moreover I wish to deepen my knowledge of English. I am a person to listen to others with whom one can talk and laugh, however, I know * to be serious about the important moments. (Put the with whom phrase near the beginning).
    This trip will give me the essential elements (linguistic, social and cultural) for this trade. It is the desire to share an extraordinary human adventure before entering the world of work. That's why I want to share my knowledge and culture. I deeply desire to share my culture through activity interesting, interactive and varied. Particularly interested in art (photography, cinema, music) and new technologies, I would like to introduce my knowledge to children américians. From a natural dynamic and has a very good interpersonal skills, I animate group work. (Reorganize these 2 sentences and the first sentence).

    I remain at your disposal to meet and develop in front of you all my motivations. Moreover please find my resume enclosed.
    More to follow

    Réponse: Lettre motivation/aide de sherry48, postée le 23-01-2012 à 02:49:07 (S | E)
    Hello. Changes made above will apply here too.
    Working as an assistant in a radio or TV * will allow me to implement all my skills but also to share my curiosity and my great (Portraying yourself in the best light is desirable, but this is a little too much, in my opinion) general knowledge and to deepen my knowledge of English. (Consider shorter sentences).Being very sociable, I'll know me fit in easily with the team.
    Indeed, I would creating a strong bond with the team. ... I will be happy to incorporate an institution like yours which has the means to promote freedom * expression, the culture, and the information. Having worked in the middle of the animation and education, I would like to use my skills to your institution.
    My personal qualities allow me a very good interpersonal skills,(add more here) but I also easily integrate a team. (There's a nice phrase you may want to use, 'a team player').

    I would also like to integrate a school of journalism upon my return to France at the end of becoming a political journalist or reporter. This trip will give me the essential elements (linguistic, social and cultural) for this trade. It is the desire to share an extraordinary human adventure before entering the world of work. That's why I want to share my knowledge and culture as * assistant. ...
    A third to follow.

    Modifié par sherry48 le 23-01-2012 02:55

    Réponse: Lettre motivation/aide de sherry48, postée le 23-01-2012 à 02:54:40 (S | E)
    Hello once more.
    Working as an assistant to a French teacher will allow me to implement all my skills instruction but also to share my mother language and to deepen my knowledge of English. I know my help to make the most faithful to the teacher. Moreover, being very sociable, I would creating a strong bond with the students. ...
    I would like to introduce my knowledge to students américians
    OK, that will get you started, and maybe others would like to add their suggestions too.
    Bon courage.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons


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