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    Correction/lettre motivation

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    Correction/lettre motivation
    Message de clochette182 posté le 11-01-2012 à 10:21:55 (S | E | F)

    Je suis étudiante en master de droit que j'effectue en Espagne avec le programme erasmus.
    Je postule actuellement pour aller aux Etats Unis ou au Canada avec le programme de ma fac l'an prochain.Il est nécessaire d'écrire une lettre de motivation en anglias pour le dossier, que je poste ci dessous.Est-ce que quelqu"un peut m'aider à la corriger pour qu'elle soit dans un anglais correct svp s'il vous plaît?

    To whom it may concern,

    The university gives us the opportunity to study in university in the United States, Canada and I am aware of the chance so I do not want to miss this chance that why I am writing this letter to you to present my motivation .

    This year I’m studying the master of European law in the University of Spain n Jaén.
    My experience this year as an Erasmus student in Spain makes me aware of the importance to live in the country in order to learn a language and its culture. In fact, learn a language in a class and live in the country it is completely different. I have to speak in Spanish in everyday ‘s life, which allows me to make important progress in a few times. And that is what I want to improve my English. This wish to improve my ability to speak in English is because I would like to work in international organizations and to be fluent in English is one of the main skills required. Furthermore it would me interesting to learn international business law from a new sight as I Have found interesting this year to see the different approach of Spanish about The Union European.

    There is nothing best than learn in an English speaking country. In addition to the improvement of the language this kind of experience is above all a human experience. I have been meeting people from all the world everyday that makes me discover new culture, create new friendship.

    I have chosen the four universities of: Western Ontario ,of Windsor,of Alabama and Wayne State because they offer me courses that match perfectly with the master of international business law I want to do next year. The question that can arise about my choice is why four universities in Canada and the United States? First of all because as I have already said I do not want to lose this opportunity offered to me so I give me the means to succeed in it.
    Then I have chosen universities in Canada and in the United States because both attract me for different reasons. I have always been fascinated by the United States through what we see in the media and I am interested in discovering its culture directly and not through a TV screen. AS far Canada is concerned it is an “unknown “ country for me, I know very few things and it will be the occasion to discover this country that shares two cultures because of its history.

    I am looking to hearing from soon

    Yours faithfully

    Modifié par lucile83 le 11-01-2012 10:51

    Réponse: Correction/lettre motivation de lucile83, postée le 12-01-2012 à 13:54:11 (S | E)

    Je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps devant moi, mais ce sera déjà une petite correction.

    To whom it may concern, à éviter!! employez une autre formule

    The university gives us the opportunity to study in university répétition in the United States, Canada and I am aware of the chance faux ami so I do not want to miss this chance encore! that...manque un verbe why I am writing this letter to you to present my motivation .

    avez-vous utilisé un traducteur en ligne?

    Réponse: Correction/lettre motivation de notrepere, postée le 12-01-2012 à 18:09:10 (S | E)

    ... I am aware of the chance so I do not want to miss this chance that why I am writing this letter to you to present my motivation .

    This year I’m studying the master of European law in the University of Spain n Jaén.
    My experience this year as an Erasmus student in Spain makes me aware of the importance to live (importance of + gerund) in the country (a country) in order to learn a language and its culture. In fact, learn (v +ing) a language in a class and live (v + ing) in the country it is completely different. I have to speak (in) Spanish in everyday ‘s life, which allows me to make important progress in a few times. And that is what I want to improve my English. This wish to improve my ability to speak in English is because I would like to work in international organizations and to be fluent in English is one of the main skills required. (phrase maladresse) Furthermore it would me interesting to learn international business law from a new sight as I Have found interesting this year to see the different approach of Spanish about The Union European (maladresse).

    There is nothing best than learn (gerund) in an English-speaking country. In addition to the improvement of the language this kind of experience is above all a human experience. I have been meeting people from all the world every day that makes me discover new culture, create new friendship.

    I have chosen the four universities of: Western Ontario ,of Windsor,of Alabama and Wayne State because they offer me courses that match perfectly with the master of international business law I want to do next year. The question that can arise about my choice is why four universities in Canada and the United States? First of all because as I have already said I do not want to lose this opportunity offered to me so I give me the means to succeed in it.
    Then I have chosen universities in Canada and in the United States because both attract me for different reasons. I have always been fascinated by the United States through what we see in the media and I am interested in discovering its culture directly and not through a TV screen. AS far Canada is concerned it is an “unknown “ country for me, I know very few things and it will be the occasion to discover this country that shares two cultures because of its history.

    Modifié par notrepere le 12-01-2012 18:09

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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