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    Lettre motivation/Portsmouth

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    Lettre motivation/Portsmouth
    Message de marty42 posté le 02-02-2012 à 10:50:30 (S | E | F)

    je souhaiterais faire une année à Portsmouth pour avoir un double diplôme d'ingénieur. Pour cela je dois faire une lettre de motivation, mais n'étant pas expert, pouvez-vous me dire s'il y a des modifications à faire et si la grammaire est correcte.
    Merci d'avance.

    Dear Sirs,

    I am writing to you to apply for an academic year in Portsmouth.

    I would like to do an academic year in Portsmouth in order to get an engineer double diploma. I wish work later in the international domain. Moreover, I would like to start my career in England, in the fields of research and development or conception. In my last internship, in an international company, I understood the importance of speaking English because my vocabulary lack prevented me to progress in my internship project.

    My motivations led me to do two language stay in Bournemouth for the purpose of developing my English language. The politeness and the orderliness touched me a lot. Otherwise, I sent a lot of progress in my vocabulary and my grammar because I wasn’t afraid to make mistakes.

    In Portsmouth, I would like to discover a new kind of teaching. One year in England can be for me an opportunity, I will be able to find easier a job. Also I would like to get new knowledge as concerns culture and English life. I worked for three years to make money so that I can finance my academic year. I think being in England during a year could be beneficial and getting me a good way.

    Yours faithfully,

    Modifié par lucile83 le 02-02-2012 11:13

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